View Full Version : Anxiety turning in to paranoia

09-16-2012, 11:58 PM
Hi , I'm new to this forum and have been told I suffer from Gad. Started when I was a kid worrying about my heath or my families , started reading medical books at 10 and at 17 it got worse and I went to a dr that said I have gad with minor ocd, I was scared I would go crazy and hurt my dogs, my most beloved besides my mom, dad and sister. It was very upsetting. I had it so bad I couldn't eat or sleep, went down to 92lbs in less than a month. Dr recommened I not get bored and was an over worrier and it ran in my family. I started going out a lot and keeping busy and it went away for the most part. Would only get it here and there but barely at all. I think his calm reassuring attitude made me feel I wasn't completely crazy.

Now at 31 it's really bad again. And a different way. I worry about every little thing. Like what if I mess up, what if I go crazy and hurt a loved one and basically losing my mind. And to make this all worse Im getting paranoid about stupid things. I really feel as if I will have a break down at any moment. Any advice of anyone who's suffered this??

ps i went to therpist recently and she says I suffer from anxiety and will be fine. This hasn't helped much.

09-17-2012, 05:52 AM
I think what you describe as paranoia is just........................... anxiety. Stay with therapy. Have you tried any meds at all? Alankay.

09-17-2012, 11:54 PM
With therapies and medications, it can get better......

09-18-2012, 04:05 AM
I take Ativan only when it's really bad... Just seems like it has to be more than anxiety. Im worried I'm losing it. Has anyone had to this point?? thanks for any input.

10-10-2012, 01:25 PM
Hi , I'm new to this forum and have been told I suffer from Gad. Started when I was a kid worrying about my heath or my families , started reading medical books at 10 and at 17 it got worse and I went to a dr that said I have gad with minor ocd, I was scared I would go crazy and hurt my dogs, my most beloved besides my mom, dad and sister. It was very upsetting. I had it so bad I couldn't eat or sleep, went down to 92lbs in less than a month. Dr recommened I not get bored and was an over worrier and it ran in my family. I started going out a lot and keeping busy and it went away for the most part. Would only get it here and there but barely at all. I think his calm reassuring attitude made me feel I wasn't completely crazy.

Now at 31 it's really bad again. And a different way. I worry about every little thing. Like what if I mess up, what if I go crazy and hurt a loved one and basically losing my mind. And to make this all worse Im getting paranoid about stupid things. I really feel as if I will have a break down at any moment. Any advice of anyone who's suffered this??

ps i went to therpist recently and she says I suffer from anxiety and will be fine. This hasn't helped much.

Hiya Blondie!

You are not alone! I have been worrying with a lot of things lately with health and all, basically everything and it sucks. It actually is putting a toll on me. Kinda getting frustrated and depressed with what is going on with me. I know it us easier said than done but, maybe try to also convince yourself "this is gonna be okay, I'll be fine" just keep on working with your therapist. Good luck and hang in there as I am too!

10-13-2012, 04:02 AM
Anxiety is awful,stay strong