View Full Version : Not sure what to do anymore

09-16-2012, 05:50 PM
I had my first intense panic attack/disorder episode about a year ago. It came on randomly and I was sent to the ER as a result. I wasn't able to sleep for about five days in a row and began hallucinating at the worst of it. I'm not sure if it was an average panic attack as the anxiety lasted nonstop for around 10 days. It was more the fear of fear than anything else. Along with the fear that the feeling would never end and that I was going crazy and would end up in the psych ward. It was the worst feeling in my life.

I eventually came to after my GP told me that the medicines the ER and another nurse practitioner I had seen were way too strong (seroquel) . It had actually made my attacks worse. So he said I should be on xanax instead and that it was made specifically for what I was going through. Just hearing him say that snapped me out of my anxiety and I was more or less "cured".
Ever since then however I'd occasionally get nighttime anxiety. Never as bad but it was always a struggle to sleep. I think I was traumatized from not being able to sleep for days and whenever I'd be dozing off I'd get a surge of adrenaline like I was about to be attacked or something and was wide awake afterward.

I didn't even had to take the xanax back then. Just hearing my GP say that was like the thing I needed to hear. Fast forward a year and I had another semi-attack last night. I was stressed out and got that same horrible anxious knot in my stomach that still hasn't gone away. I took xanax to help me sleep and it made me tired as hell but as I tried to doze off I just felt that rush of adrenaline trying to wake me up even though the xanax was slightly dulling the feelings.

Needless to say I didn't get any sleep. I took more xanax and it doesn't seem to be having any effect. I'm afraid of trying to sleep tonight. I can't go to a Dr anytime soon as we just moved cities and I'm on medicaid and it'll take a while to find a GP or med clinic that takes medicaid nearby. I also live alone all day as my mother has to work and can't get time off since she just started a new job. I am a social recluse with no friends to take comfort in. stuck in a city I don't know with no vehicle and no way to see a new GP. I am at a loss.

I should also mention last night I vomited about 4 times and had other symptoms mimicking the flu, but no fever. Could this all be from anxiety? I also have a condition called PCOS which messes up my hormones horribly to begin with.

I just want this feeling to end and I'm dreading not being able to sleep again tonight.

09-17-2012, 03:05 AM
Hi I have been experiencing panic attacks for years. It is a scary feeling and I have noticed I have been experiencing symptoms at night around bedtime and it is annoying! The scariest part is having to sit thru them because everyone is sleeping. What do you do when you are having symptoms??

09-17-2012, 07:24 AM
I have exactly the same problem, my panic attacks start a little while before bed and I have no one to speak to for help and things are getting seriously out of control, can anyone help?