View Full Version : New & Seeking Advice For Controlling Anxiety

09-16-2012, 02:53 PM
Hi everyone!

I'm new to this so bear with me! :)

I'm 24 and I developed anxiety (health anxiety) after an operation I had last year. I would worry that I constantly had something wrong with me and that I was going to die. A number of small health issues would blow out of proportion and I would assume the worst. I found the symptoms of anxiety particularly terrifying as I had rarely worried before I developed anxiety, I was pretty laid back, so the shakes, twitches, palpitations, feelings of suffocation, pins and needles, dizziness and disassociated feelings were overwhelming. Anyway, it comes in waves, sometimes I'll be coping fine, then other times I'll find it very taxing. What concerns me most at the moment is that I'm going to Australia to travel and work in a few weeks time. I have a one way ticket and an year working visa and I have no immediate plans to come back to England. I'm pretty worried that my anxiety is going to impact my trip, stop me from making friends, stop me from enjoying myself fully, or push me over the edge, because I won't have the support system of friends and family who know of my anxiety.

Can anyone offer any advice or tips? I've been looking forward to this trip for years and wan't to get the most out of it without letting my anxiety take control.
