View Full Version : It's Over

09-16-2012, 07:37 AM
Just split with my girlfriend today. It was mutual though, thankfully as going through an emotional breakup is hideous. She lives over 100 miles away and we visited each other on weekends but would spend all our money to see each other and have none left to really do stuff. So no hard feelings really but I'm getting bad anxiety symptoms today. No thanks to some google research into stuff which I should've just avoided. It's subject matter i've already read before and I know googling symptoms is bad and only helps to feed anxiety and worsen or even create symptoms. Strange that stuff i've already read previously can still kick start my worry and fear etc.

Still, on the plus side my private healthcare have finally given the green light for a psychiatrist referral. That should be happening within a fortnight I hope and then I imagine he'll confirm I need CBT and I can get started with that. In the mean time, once I get paid need to change my diet. I've done it before, eating healthily all the time etc but I need to make it stick. Focus on enjoying it more than just the health benefits etc and then possibly worrying when i'm not feeling great or anxiety free few months into it. Plus it'll help combat the worry I got from reading about heart disease an hour ago because I smoked for 5 years, poor oral hygiene thanks to staying up till stupid o'clock gaming and then going straight to bed, then waking up late. Both contributing to a lack of routine in which brushing my teeth never seems to figure (gross I know). I get stressed at work, and to be honest I have a short fuse in general. I don't get much exercise on a regular basis and have had a crappy diet for over 10 years and my dad had a heart attack. All not very good in terms of heart health. But i'm 26 and I can turn it around, but I need to be pro-active about it.

I suppose one benefit to now being single is more money and free time. Need to start cycling everyday as opposed to doing 2 or 3 times a week and then a couple of weeks gap in between. Also need to realize that I can only do what I can at work and not to get so flustered when I'm set new goals or tasks etc.

Anyways just thought i'd get some thoughts written down here. A little update as it were.


09-16-2012, 12:35 PM
Hi Ed

Good news about the referral! Thats a great step forward.

Seeing Dr. Hunt?

09-16-2012, 03:10 PM
Yes indeed, thankfully Axa are paying for it


09-16-2012, 03:12 PM
Whos dr hunt?

09-17-2012, 01:14 AM
He's a specialist Phsychologist in Cambridge (where Ed and I live)

Dr. Hunt diagnosed me back in January and then passed me over to a very good cognetive therapist.

I've suggested to Ed he takes the same route.

09-17-2012, 02:10 AM
Could you remind me again where you went for CBT?
