View Full Version : A stupid question

09-16-2012, 05:31 AM
HI, i am just curious, well, is it just me or its most of us, when a full blown panic attacks happens, do you feel like youre dying? as in your body sensations(i can feel a rush of tingly death sensations in my body coming from my kidney, it wasnt my feelings, i am very sure) not your feelings.. if you know what i meant? i am still disturbed by this still since my PA. so i finally managed to have the courage to ask.

09-16-2012, 02:12 PM
Short answer: yes. And I feel that I die a thousand deaths whenever one strikes.

09-16-2012, 02:45 PM
i know that feeling all too well unfortunately. every time i have a full blown panic attack i am a 100% convinced i will die within minutes, at one point i'd even start dialing my girlfriends number to tell her i love her and that i'm about to die. it's so crazy how anxiety can make us feel. be in control of your brain!

09-17-2012, 07:03 AM
Hii all,

It's scary when PA strikes. I'm still traumatized by it. It's been 2 months long and everything is still fresh in my mind. I don't know how i can control my brain unfortunately. I have only controlled what i ate, what i do, and avoid triggers. It helps eased it a little, but i still cant find where my issues are at. Forwells, none of the doctors could explain that as you did, it does help me though. i feel much better. Thank you all.

09-17-2012, 11:47 PM
Does it feel like having a heart attack? Well, it's one of the most common symptoms of anxiety disorder.

I have many others, like dizziness, Shortness of breath......

09-18-2012, 08:26 AM
yeah the heart attack, but i was most traumatized by the deathly body sensations my kidney was giving out, i can feel it rush out from the back of my waist. The heart attack thoughts are mostly 50% or 60% into my attack, when it reaches 75% to 85% this is when fear kicks in and this is when i will panic and if i dont do something, id freak out, and a full blown will reach me in seconds. During this percentage, if i dont want to eat my meds, i will go to the A&E.