View Full Version : Chemical nightmare

09-15-2012, 08:41 PM
I have major depression and GAD. Compared to a few months ago I am better (out of bed). I lost almost 40 pounds and was close to being hospitalized. This all happened after my mom passed in February. She had been ill for the past year and had a rapid decline and I think it traumatized me. Before that I had always had depression and anxiety, but under pretty good control. I take 250 mg of Zoloft 300 mg of Wellbutrin, 20 mg Ritalin, and 10 mg of Serax. I go through my Serax before the prescription is due and suffer twice as bad and despise myself. I loathe myself. I am desperate just to feel like a decent human being. So I google and google and try herbs and supplements, all to no avail it seems, and I feel maybe I have just fried by brain. I take valerian, fish oil, multivitamin, melatonin, gingseng, and have tried many more. I just want to feel good, just normal, not even chipper, NORMAL. I have a nervous feeling 24 hours a day, have trouble sleeping, and have no life really outside my home. My mind races so much and I think of all the bad things in the past. I have tried a bit of counseling. I know I have issues underlying, but I don't know how to get past them. The pain from losing my mom is still unbearable. I crave just to have a little peace and relaxation. I have a terribly low opinion of myself and don't know how I can change that. I have prayed, tried to talk myself out of it, distract myself, etc. I feel hopeless. I feel I am doomed to feel this way the rest of my life. I hate waking up in the morning. I could write so much more, but thanks for reading. ANY advice would be appreciated. I am new here and need to talk to someone other than my poor husband.

09-15-2012, 08:57 PM
Hello Linda:

Please read my Thread " Vitamin D3 cured my anxiety, depression, and panic disorder" at the depression forum of this website. It could change your life.

Best wishes,

09-16-2012, 02:20 PM
The way you're feeling is totally understandable. Don't feel like you're going crazy or you're abnormal. My deepest condolences for your loss. It's not going to be easy but it's important that you don't lose yourself. don't depend on meds to make you feel better. I highly recommend you get into meditation, deep muscle relaxation and yoga. it will help you so much to clear your mind and relax. take care.