View Full Version : Remember, there are many others in this world way worse off then we are.

09-15-2012, 06:13 PM
We're either all going through some really tough times in our lives, or we have been through some extremely rough moments or events that create some difficulties in our thoughts and minds when we go back to remember those memories. That is (1) thing that I never allow myself to do yet a moment of reflection was placed before me this evening. I do not like this feeling, and this is the same feelings that those of you out there have whenever you look into the past as well. It is these continual "re-visits" that create mood disorders, depression, anxiety. That's why I refuse to go in reverse, look at the crystal ball of the past and the events of life that were traumatising and even going back to a time that I thought was fantastic has also forced these odd sense of feelings, mood, thoughts, and a kindof somber remembrance of what I once was or what I could once acheive. I won't be in this "place" in my mind for long as I will force it to pass and be filed away again in some storage area of the brain. If I did allow myself to be "stuck" in this period of the past then I'd end up posting in the depression forums but I know that there was SO much trauma, troubles, issues, in my entire past life that the medical industry would have to figure out some new terminoligical name for it if I went to think about all of it. It is a HUGEORMIS and GINORMIC pile of shit like you wouldn't understand, believe, comprehend. It is my own personal pile of shit, but it is stored away as far back and as deep as I can place it in my mind. I wish to continue to try to help those of you that can't seem to find "the" answer as quickly as possible because more likely then not, I've already seen, been through, lived, or felt the same way you are at any given time.

Now, I will grab myself by the back of my shirt collar and pick myself back up from this down moment and just be thankful for what I do still have and that is the ability to see, think, and type..pretty much all that is needed here at this time anyway.

Have a great weekend members, friends, lurkers!
