View Full Version : Just when I feel I'm getting better....

09-15-2012, 12:57 PM
My anxiety has come back for the first time since 6 years ago. What I mean is I used to suffer from anxiety 6 years ago and then I got better but now it's come back.

A few weeks ago it was really bad then the anxiety went but I just couldn't eat. Today I then thought I was getting a bit better but tonight I felt really depressed about everything and I just felt like I couldn't eat, it must have taken me around 2 hours to eat?!?!

I just want to talk to people who understand because I really feel I can't take this anymore?! If I can't deal with the simplest things how on earth am I going to deal with life?!...

09-15-2012, 01:35 PM
It all starts with worry, concern, fret, then stress, tension, apprehension, and anxiety returns. What is the "root" cause of the problems?? It ALL starts with how you perceive the issues in your life. Believe me, I've got many and so does everyone else here too. Some of us just cope and deal with them differently..Grab a pen and paper and begin your self-assessment. Pro/con Good/bad Pos/neg...write it all down. First step.


09-15-2012, 02:10 PM
The only cause I can think of is my fear of being sick. If I feel sick then I can't eat otherwise I panic because I don't want to be sick... If that makes any sense? Thanks for the reply.

09-16-2012, 03:14 AM
The only cause I can think of is my fear of being sick. If I feel sick then I can't eat otherwise I panic because I don't want to be sick... If that makes any sense? Thanks for the reply.

Ahhh, but WHY?
Why is being sick so bad?

I'm betting you've had a good old HONK in the past and it frightened you, yes?

The last dozen or so times I've been sick is because of excessive drink or the hangover thereafter.

With over-the-top hygiene & testing we have these days, people are SO very rarely sick because of food.

And so what if you are?
Nothing like a good old clearout... lol

S'not gonna kill you!

At worst you may get a bit of carrot lodged in your nostril... or your stomach muscles may ache for a bit but that's about it.


09-16-2012, 06:13 AM
I know there is nothing wrong with being sick, I just hate it! I'm 16 by the way...

09-16-2012, 09:39 AM
I know there is nothing wrong with being sick, I just hate it! I'm 16 by the way...

Errrmmm... you're not supposed to like it! lol

Not sure what the big deal is really...

09-16-2012, 10:01 AM
I hate being sick, I cry when i throw up cos it's just horrible but if im sick due to a virus or too much booze I always feel better afterwards and it's good to know if you've got something bad in ya, your body is getting rid of it!