View Full Version : Someone please help me with all this!

09-15-2012, 06:59 AM
I think I am going to lose my mind! This feeling I have had for the past few days is killing me. I have not been able to sleep or eat much. Worried about my job and not sure I can handle going to it anymore. I have never felt this way before. I am seriously thinking about going on sick leave. But then the thought of just sitting home scares me. All I do is stare out the window all day when I stay home. I feel like an empty shell of a person. I am here pysically, but my mind is somewhere else. I hate this. My wife is tired of me being like this and I really fear she is going to just leave me. That would make me really lose it! I feel sorry for myself all the time and I am sick of it. Like I said I have not been sleeping very well at all and when I do fall asleep I have the craziest dreams and visions in my head which cause me to wake up panicked. I think I may be suffering from a little depression as well as the anxiety. I am taking Buspar for the anxiety which may be helping a little. I tried to take Paxil as well, but it gave me side affects and I did not like it. Maybe I need to try another SSRI. I was on Celexa a few months back, but I felt like it made me worse. I really am not sure what to do next. Go on sick leave and stare out the window I guess. I know some will say this will not help me and I should try to go to work, but when I am there I still worry all day and zone out all the time. I am afraid I will get hurt as I do construction. I have been fighting this for so long now. I swear I am borderline Agoraphobic and I never thought I would ever say that. Please help!

09-15-2012, 07:53 AM
I think you need to see your doctor ASAP, you seem to be very depressed, and just because one SSRI didn't work doesn't mean that they all don't . If it wasn't for Paxil I don't know where I would be at this stage of my life. It has been a real life saver for me, I hope this helps?

09-15-2012, 12:22 PM
Construction work for 30 years here, hard on this old dude. There are also some "hidden or underlying" issues going on in your life that you're not addressing but you are continually contemplating or thinking about whatever it is. How old are you and whats your diet like?..Yes, you're down in a hole but there's a reason why..you must find it and locate it quickly too.


09-15-2012, 05:49 PM
Jdubb, describe the side effects and how long you took those drugs.

You'll get over it, but you need specialized medical help. Still, we are ere to read and help you!!!

09-15-2012, 06:20 PM
I am 34. My diet is fair. I do eat some fast food, but I have not been drinking any soft drinks for almost a month now and it has helped.

09-15-2012, 06:25 PM
Fast foods are the devil except maybe once a week. Soda is also the devil but 1 a day wont harm you..There's something else going on in yer head bruh. You gotta get in there and figure out what it is, the worry, the major concern, the reason for living in this pit..its in there somewhere so just find it..

09-15-2012, 06:25 PM
I took paxil for a couple days. Dizzy, upset stomach, racing thoughts

09-15-2012, 06:26 PM
I am trying I swear. I have seen a counselor in the past and plan on going back to him.