View Full Version : help please

09-14-2012, 10:58 PM
hi i am 28 mum to 4 kids just just after a quick bit of advice i have only ever had one panic attack about 12 months ago and i am now going through something which i am pretty sure is the anxiety i have these headaches for about 2 weeks and have been getting shooting pains in my head and all kinda stuff i think this is what has triggered the anxiety off as i cant seem to stop thinking i have a brain tumor or something horrible i went to the doctors ysterday and he has done some blood tests but seems to think it is the anxiety and miagrain headache.
i have never suffered from anything like this as i said i have had 1 attack and that was it now i feel paniky all day long and cant seem to get rid of it i try to stop thinking but i cant i feel shaky on the inside,still have the head ache,feel light headed and keep feeling like i am going to have a attack i think i have done well so far not to have a full on attack but have been very close to i just have so many weird thoughts going through my head things that i would never think about before.
how long will this last will it ever go away?? my doc has prescribed some vallium but i havent had any of it or even filled the prescription filled yet.
is this anxiety please just someone tell me or is it something more serious like a tumor or something??

09-14-2012, 11:41 PM
Hi, I don't have migraines but I think they can trigger anxiety. I do have all the other stuff you have and I KNOW it is caused by anxiety. I have 4 kids too so I understand how stressed you can be without realizing it- plus, anticipating another attack can make you hypersensitive. I'm pretty sure that if your dr. even slightly suspected that you had a brain tumor he would have sent you for testing straight away! What has helped me lately are CBT forms and breathing exercises, there are some good links to them on this site. If you can't settle down,take the valium. I can't stand taking medicine so I truly understand your hesitation but that is what its for! You are ok!

09-15-2012, 12:15 PM
anxiety..sinister. Possible (trigeminal neuralgia) if it is a pain on the sides of the head and facial areas. I have that, it comes and goes.. It is anxiety, it is NOT a tumor. You've got some serious "life assessment" to be working on, asap.
