View Full Version : Facing Strangers in Passing

09-14-2012, 07:49 PM
This is an issue I've had as long as I can remember. I've obviously given way too much thought into this. I guess that's why I'm so anxious in the first place (I think too much).

Let me set the scene:
You are walking on the sidewalk one way and someone is going in the opposite way, so at some point you two will be face to face. Eventually, the gap closes and you are prompted to make a decision- where will you look?

The moment doesn't have to be as dramatic as I described it. It's just that I get a horrible feeling of anxiety whenever I have to deal with this. I just don't know where to direct my eyes. I usually just look on the ground. Sometimes, I turn my head to the side away from the stranger. Other times, I pretend to be insanely interested in my cellphone.

One time, in a moment of complete masochism, I looked at the person I was passing and offered a forced smile. It's possible I looked REALLY creepy that day, lol.

At least I know I'm not the only person with this problem. I've passed people who had their heads down, heads twisted far to the side, or faces in their phones.

Is this a big deal to you? Do you deal with this moment of anxiety? Where do you look when you pass a stranger?

09-14-2012, 08:11 PM
Usually head down staring at the floor, sometimes glance at the person n if they are looking at me, very quickly turn my head away!

09-14-2012, 10:07 PM
I watch them cuz I'm scared they might do something....that's my own phobia I guess lol but yeah your not alone it is totally awkward....in my case probably more for the other person haha