View Full Version : It is what it is..I accept it.

09-14-2012, 04:52 PM
Another week gone by and I actually got some work done! I can walk again! YAY! Its been super quiet around here, since my last IED explosion! No, not roadside bomb but fairly close to that. When you tell someone that's been a vital part of your life for many years that yer going to bust a bottle over their head and throw them out the window, its kinda harsh words to hear. I have never been at the other end of those comments, and if I was..they had no teeth left instantly. I have, will, and am accepting the penalties for the things I did and said just like I should as I am guilty as charged and will admit to saying those words. In fact, they keep replaying over and over as I had forgotten them until it was BROUGHT UP a couple more times out of the blue.. Oh well, such is life. Move on, move forward, make new paths to walk along but don't lay any landmines!..

Have a great weekend people who are f**ked up like I am! yippee


09-14-2012, 05:18 PM
God tell her to stop banging on about it. GET OVER IT already! It's not like you actually smashed a bottled over her head. She knew what you were like, she knew how the comment she made would make you react, if she didn't then she didn't really know you or wasn't very understanding. You've apologised. There's nothing more you can do. You can't help how you feel. NOW go drive some unsuspecting twat through a cornfield. YAHOOOO! :)

09-14-2012, 05:51 PM
Its ok, she wouldnt forget it nor stop bringing it up either. I was literally a soldier layin on a battlefield with my legs blown off and her replies to my questions let me know where I stood. I was left there to die, and she didnt even realize she was doing it. I over-reacted and went into attack mode (stupid Viking ancestry) and it was burnt into her memory..That part or phase of my life has ended, peacefully. It is, what it is..I can not change the past. So, MOVE ON INTO NEW TERRITORY (or just take some like the Vikings did).. WHATEVER!


09-14-2012, 05:55 PM
I have some bad memories burnt into my memory but I can put them aside for the one i love :) or perhaps that makes me a WEAKLING

You cannot stand with your legs blown off friend. I'll prop ya up if Ya need :)

09-14-2012, 06:08 PM
I couldn't do a damn thing productive for 3 friggin months.. in control of a sinister disease of course and you all know the CAUSE of it too.. I'm outta here for the night!


09-14-2012, 06:42 PM
Sorry e-man...