View Full Version : High school stress intenae anxiety

09-13-2012, 05:04 PM
The more I'm in high school, the worse my anxiety has gotten. Each year I over come some obstacles, but new ones are created. This year I'm having more of a panic issue and my stress is really creating issues physically with stomach issues, headaches, tremors, nausea. Everyone just keeps telling me not to stress and find ways to cope with stress but its hard to when I feel a rush o panic coming on in the middle of class. I've tried deep breathing which usually helps but it didn't today. I still felt panicky and shaky and my anxious thoughts about nothing got the best of me. Anyone else dealing with this, or dealt with it before? Thanks. And advice is much appreciated.

09-13-2012, 06:14 PM
1. Both of my daughters have extremely high anxiety and panic.
2. Your post says "each year" its gotten worse, how long have you let this go untreated and unannounced to your parents?
3. My oldest daughter had medications at school for her panic disorder, and all teachers were made aware of her disorder. If your parents do not play a vital role here, then nothing will change. My oldest was not required to give in class presentations and the teachers knew their boundaries with her. They all respected that.
4. My youngest daughter was teetering on the edge of snapping for over a year that I knew from observing and listening to her. I knew this day would come. It did, when she was 16 and had a meltdown. That was it. I made special arrangements for her to try to continue attending school. She had meds, she had a "hot pass" which meant all she had to do was flash it at the teacher and leave. She could either go to the school nurse and get some meds, or go hangout in the Principals conference room for however long she needed. That still wasnt good enough and she got into an arguement with a (drunken) english teacher of 35 yrs..That was it. I attacked the school corporation and she does all of her school work from this same computer keyboard I'm now typing on. They didnt want a battle with me..She is my offspring, anyone messes with her then they'd better hope theyre powerful.

So, all that being typed. ALL staff knew of my daughters conditions. ALL teachers knew of my daughters conditions. EVERYONE did what they could do to help them both..If your parents dont have a clue about you, you'd better sit them down now..

Goodluck to you too.


09-13-2012, 07:58 PM
I really appreciate all of this! My parents do know, and I never said anything initially because it was pretty well controlled. Now it's just bad, and I've made it pretty clear that it's an issue. I know my parents are trying but they just hate seeing me not in a good state of mind , and they try to offer suggestions and relaxation techniques that I do try. I'm not sure if I should mention it to my teachers , but I think it's a very smart decision. I guess I've just gone so long keeping it to myself and attempting to control it that I'm just not used to asking for help. This is actually the first time I've posted on this forum, and I'm glad. Again, I greatly appreciate the advice and I will definitely take everything you said into mind