View Full Version : The feelings of unreality are awful!

09-13-2012, 09:28 AM
I had one of the strangest days today. I had the day off work, which I feel makes me feel worse as I have more time to worry about things. However my job is changing soon and the thought of that also scares me. I do plumbing for a living. Once I finish a building, I have to travel to another one. This causes a lot of anxiety because I have to basically start all over every time a job ends. I have to meet all the new people and management on the new job and it takes a lot to get comfortable with everything.
Anyways I got up this morning and thought to myself "Hey I want to go to the casino today" There is a casino about 1.5 hours from my house. So I actually got in my truck and started driving. About 25 minutes into the drive I had a terrible case of unreality. I mean for a few seconds I almost did not know where I was or how I had gotten there. This scared me pretty bad and I got off the next exit and turned around. Once I calmed down, I decided to go to the book store and I continued to have these strange feelings while I was there. I know this can be a symptom of anxiety, but it still scares me. I guess I just feel like I am going to crack up or go insane. I really want to get over this and be better. I have decided to start taking the paxil my pychiatrist precribed me. I hope it helps.

09-13-2012, 11:27 AM
I can understand the "starting over each time" thing with regards to your job. Most would struggle with this at the best of times I reckon.

This feeling of unreality IS anxiety, by the way. A temporary brain pre-occupation with a fear or bad thought which throws you off a bit.

What else could it be? what else could cause such out-of-this-world symptoms?
ONLY anxiety can do this and a massive pile more of other most hideous symptoms.

Try to remind yourself of this next time. Sit yo ass down, smile, remember WHO you are and know that you'll be ok in a moment or so.