View Full Version : An entire life, of suddenality...Difficult to deal with, to say the least.

09-12-2012, 08:15 PM
As the title states, my whole life has been dictated by "suddenality". Much of which was within my own control prior to age 18. Then, the circumstances of my life dictated the rest. Married twice, divorced twice. 3 kids, 1 of which still believes in me, the other 2, I dont know. One is an addict with a 2 yr old son that I know 0 about. The other is a son that only hears what his mother preaches. I dont see him either. This entire year has been a huge pile of shit, that was flung at me to try and figure out. My mother handed me a copy of a will at Thanksgiving and said she just wanted to be sure I had it. WTF? Yes, she feared she had cancer and was going to flatline I learned in January. The same day I learn that my mom is going to be ok, and the test were inconclusive, my dad was in the hospital for a potential stroke. It didnt end..Then, I learn that my youngest daughter is ready to snap mentally at 16. I correct all that asap..Make special school arrangements for her as she too has anxiety in the Def 3 range daily. Then I learn that my oldest daughter is an addict and can barely stay awake long enough to keep from catching a chair on fire and leaving the front door open with a 1 1/2 yr old boy. She was passed out, and was taking enough methadone and xanax to kill an elephant. I fought those battles, on the front lines..alone. Then, BAM!..I had to welcome a new and unwanted disease that f**ked me up so bad I couldnt work for 3 months. Couldnt move my own f**kin hands. Couldnt walk, couldnt do a damn thing for myself to give me a sense of accomplishment. During all this obvious frustration, I threaten the woman in my life by saying many bad things to her that her memory keeps replaying over and over again. Somehow, when we do get to speak in person to one another, the conversation turns to "you called me a stupid bitch and threw me outta yer house". I remember then, what I said that night 2 weeks ago.."I'm going to bust this bottle over your head if you don't leave now, or I will throw you through the window..your choice".. She didnt deserve any of that, I took my "lifes" frustrations out on her. I have told her that it wasn't right, nor fair, and that she deserves someone whos life isnt so "sudden"..Someone with stability that I apparently don't have to offer her.. We live, we learn, and thats that.

Thanks for reading.


09-12-2012, 08:25 PM
What did she reply?

I think that a person who is sober and mature enough to sincerely say "what I did was wrong, and I apologize" probably deserves a second chance. We all make mistakes. Few of us have the courage and strength of character to write like you.

You can always count on us. []

09-13-2012, 07:27 AM
Hey my strange friend. I had a dream about u last night lol felt like I needed to come on this forum and speak to u.. Odd as that sounds its 100 percent true! LOL low and behold my strange friend needs somebody. Well I've come to fix u lol (well attempt to I'm probably gunna make this worse)
I'll start by saying.. You already knew this, I told u 2 weeks ago that u took your frustration out on her.. Honestly? Not your fault. You were bound to snap. And its ALWAYS the person you love most.
Your stubborness in denying these feelings weren't your fault either. We all do it. Well I do. I pick on the people I love most, push them away as much as possible because 'I can do this alone' we can't.
Now.. Relationship advice from a 21 year old single mother lol all you can do is apologise. Accept full responsibility. The rest is up to her. You need to show her how much you love her. Take her out. Buy her sumat pretty. Show her u still love her and want her!
You know you weren't right in what you did just show her now! She obviously still loves u. You might be twitchy as f**k but that doesn't mean ur a bad person! Its probably one of the reasons she loves u!
Now get to her and fix it mister! I don't want anymore dreams about u! LOL
I'm gunna pray for u. Sad as that sounds. I haven't spoke to god for a while but you really need some luck and some help. Not like professonal I mean just someone to be there for u! Your there for everyone else why not let someone help u?
Stay strong my strange friend! Lifes what u make it, you wanna sit and mope or do u wanna lead an amazing life because u changed it?
Best wishes!!!

09-14-2012, 03:33 AM
i'll pray for you