View Full Version : Anxiety is destroying my life!

09-12-2012, 07:04 PM
Hello I am new to this so please bear with me. For the past six months I have had severe anxiety. I was recently dianosed with GAD. However I also suffer from social anxiety as well. I am really starting to think that this will never go away! My doctor put me on Buspar, which seems to help a little. I recently went to a pychiatrist and he precribed 25mg of Paxil to go with the Buspar. Honestly I have not started the Paxil because I really don't want to get hooked on all kinds of drugs. The thought alone scares me! I just think I might be losing my mind. I think of the strangest things to be afraid of. It's like my anxiey causes me to be afraid of everything. I swear if I look at my keyboard long enough, my mind will tell me to fear it for some reason. I recently had a panic attack while waiting to get a haircut and had to leave the salon. My hair is going to be down to the floor soon because I am too afraid to go back. I also had a panic attack waiting in line for an oil change. It was the thought of just sitting there and not being able to leave when I wanted. I left the oil shop, but forced myself back later because I was so mad at myself. I struggle to get through the day. I sleep ok lately but have had trouble in the past with night terrors and night panic attacks. I have been doing my job for 15 years with no problems, but lately I struggle to even get up and go. My mind is all over the place! When I talk to people I start to panic and it feels as if I am going to pass out while talking to them. My head spins and I feel floaty until the conversation is over. Will I ever be better? THIS SUCKS!

09-13-2012, 01:40 AM
Hello I am new to this so please bear with me. For the past six months I have had severe anxiety. I was recently dianosed with GAD. However I also suffer from social anxiety as well. I am really starting to think that this will never go away! My doctor put me on Buspar, which seems to help a little. I recently went to a pychiatrist and he precribed 25mg of Paxil to go with the Buspar. Honestly I have not started the Paxil because I really don't want to get hooked on all kinds of drugs. The thought alone scares me! I just think I might be losing my mind. I think of the strangest things to be afraid of. It's like my anxiey causes me to be afraid of everything. I swear if I look at my keyboard long enough, my mind will tell me to fear it for some reason. I recently had a panic attack while waiting to get a haircut and had to leave the salon. My hair is going to be down to the floor soon because I am too afraid to go back. I also had a panic attack waiting in line for an oil change. It was the thought of just sitting there and not being able to leave when I wanted. I left the oil shop, but forced myself back later because I was so mad at myself. I struggle to get through the day. I sleep ok lately but have had trouble in the past with night terrors and night panic attacks. I have been doing my job for 15 years with no problems, but lately I struggle to even get up and go. My mind is all over the place! When I talk to people I start to panic and it feels as if I am going to pass out while talking to them. My head spins and I feel floaty until the conversation is over. Will I ever be better? THIS SUCKS!

You're ok, and everything is going to be alright, I recently posted a thread on how to get over anxiety in 6 months, and a regimen I used to kick 2 years of the same stuff you've described, once the moderator approves it, it'll be up, I encourage you to read it. I used to have the same head spins and everything, you're going to be ok.

09-13-2012, 01:54 AM
Judbb, yes you will.

Your text, with slight revisions, could have been written by me some time ago. I was in essentially the same place! And I also despaired with the thought that I might never get over it. But I have, and it is not that far away for you either.

For one, Paxil, in my humble opinion, is a great drug, and although your fear of being hooked on a bunch of drugs is not only understandable but wise, the truth is that that fear is a tad misplaced. Buspar is much more of a hook than Paxil. And it's much less effective. Actually, after Paxil kicks in your doc will probably take the Buspar away (I certainly stopped taking any sort of anxiolytic medication -no need! Imagine that! - once Paxil started doing its thing).

Again, I was just like you! When I was first given Paxil the doc told me to start taking 10 mg a day until our next appointment (about 3/4 weeks later). I was so ambivalent that I only brought myself to take it a couple of days before the appointment. I dreaded the side effects, especially long term effects, and was afraid of getting addicted to it, and of starting a new vicious circle. But then I studied the drug better, and spoke to a bunch of doctor friends, and also friends who had already taken the drug, and I decided to take a shot. You know what? A month later (dose upped to 20mg, of course) I was great. And have been great ever since (I was not recommended any therapy). The thing is, you need something to break that anxiety cycle. Drugs like Paxil, by virtually eliminating each and every symptom brought about by GAD, help you do just that. The rest is just to enjoy one's best life!!!

If you have any doubts, concerns, whatever about Paxil, GAD or ant under the sun, feel free to express them here, through PM, or whichever way you reckon best. ;-)