View Full Version : Marijuana Helped Me

03-22-2007, 01:45 PM
It helped me. Has anyone here ever tried it ?

03-22-2007, 08:16 PM
i started havin anxiety attacks when i first smoked marijuana..never will i do it again..i dont even know why in the hell i tried it in the first place

03-23-2007, 01:02 AM
Its not like I am high all the time but Im about to get high in the room in my garage right now that way I'll feel good and happy. Also, my parents are asleep right now so it even better. I just dont wanna hear my mom askin me or my brother or sister tomorrow "who left the garage windows open" ? HAHAHA. I need to open them to get all the smoke out.

So basically I kind of helped me cuz in History class I get all nervous and stuff but for some reason, last time (the day after I smoked) I didnt feel nervous or anything. I felt different. I dont know what it was though but it wasnt the "normal me". The only bad thing is that when your high, you have difficulty when it comes to concentrating, doing homework, or something.

V for Victor
03-23-2007, 08:23 AM
I can't condone using any sort of illegal drug to help with anxiety. I believe that marijuana can cause anxiety, too. It doesn't always help.

There are many legal, less harmful drugs out there that will help you with your anxiety, without clouding your mind.

The ultimate goal here is to overcome your anxiety, not just cover it up.

Marijuana clouds your mind and gets you high, and in that state you cannot address your problems intelligently and rationally, therefore you cannot work towards overcoming your problems on your own.

I would recommend a prescription medication, that way you can get your symptoms under control, and then work on the issues with a clear mind.

03-23-2007, 05:43 PM
I dont know but i would choose herb over man made chemikal any day.

I dont smoke or take medikation (i hate medikation) but if i had to choose i would go with something more natural.

V for Victor
03-24-2007, 09:44 AM
Wild herbs and plants are chemicals too, and ingesting them can be far more dangerous than ingesting manmade chemicals, because they aren't controlled. Something in the wild that is deadly can be manipulated in a labratory to be relatively harmless.

And as I stated before, something like marijuana isn't a solution because it does not allow you to intelligently face your problem, because it clouds your thinking. Compare that with taking a pill that simply inhibits the reuptake of serotonin in your brain in order to alleviate anxiety/depression. No foggy highs, paranoia or legal consequences.

03-26-2007, 06:36 AM
Marijuana gave me panic attacks.

If you go to something like wikipeida or a medical site on PAs, marijuana is a cause.

03-28-2007, 02:00 PM
I don't know but right now Im f***ed cuz I havent gone to school this whole week to my first period class because I usually ditch it with a friend and go under a tree and smoke and get high. My grades are screwed and especially cuz my effing backpack was stolen from my math class I had a lot of assignments I had to turn in. Oh well, it bothered me a lot until I smoked again I was pretty much over it. I think I might be able to use a bowl of weed every 2 weeks or something. Thats not a lot of money.

Heres THE BAD THING: I cant concentrate in class and I aint learning anything.

So basically I think I have to wake up early so I can get high in my garage and stop ditchin.

03-30-2007, 12:46 PM
I would suspect that the marijuana is causing you to not be able to pay attention in school.

When I did it in high school, I didn't care and I got all Ds and Fs on my report card. When I stopped, I got all As.

Coicidence? Probably not!

04-02-2007, 02:42 AM
It helped me. Has anyone here ever tried it ?

I used it alot in that past. I found it gave me insights and helped me explore things I might never have looked into. On the other hand, it cause me to feel very introspective while on it. I did not have anxiety attacks or become paranoid, but I did think a lot about who I was and where I was going. I became very afraid that I was a pathetic person, essentially I saw myself in a different light. I think that can be helpful as an occassional experience, but it can also be quite negative. It's all "set and setting," I suppose.

However, over use is a different matter and that really won't help you at all. It screw with your memory and ultimately put you in a haze that can last for a long time. Not so helpful.

04-02-2007, 12:51 PM
It helped me. Has anyone here ever tried it ?

marijuana HELPS you? marijuana is what caused my panic disorder. you must not have anxiety if marijuana helps you.

04-10-2007, 01:34 AM
Yes it helped me. Yes I do have SA because I turn red when I talk to people and I also use to have breakdowns. I also fear speaking out in class. But when I talk to someone one on one, I can be a little talkative. Also, I have anxiety attacks when asking questions to people I don't know. Like walking in and asking someone for a job application.

04-15-2007, 09:58 AM
It's crap m8, i used to do it all the time for years, i had to learn the hard way.

Dont fuck with your brain man, it aint worth it.. (total recall :P )

04-15-2007, 12:12 PM
i started havin anxiety attacks when i first smoked marijuana..never will i do it again..i dont even know why in the hell i tried it in the first place

Me too. I tried it in my teens, and it wasn't a good thing for me. The first couple of times it didn't do much, but then one time I did it at lunch at school and went back to class high, and I started feeling really weird and terrible, like I couldn't control my thoughts, like I was going to act weird or freak out. i got really paranoid. i thought everyone could tell just by looking at me. I was afraid if I opened my mouth, something crazy would come out.
It was an awful two hours or so.
I never smoked pot again.

04-15-2007, 05:15 PM
It helped me. Has anyone here ever tried it ?

marijuana HELPS you? marijuana is what caused my panic disorder. you must not have anxiety if marijuana helps you.

Marijuana caused my panic disorder too. Now... if you could go back, and never smoke it to begin with, would you? I know if I could go back, I'd rather not smoke it.

04-21-2007, 11:24 PM
The only time I regret smokin pot was on Monday when I went and got high with my brother and my friend. That time I really just felt weird. I told my brother and my friend " I don't wanna do this no more " . . . " Oh sh*t " . . . " What the f*ck is goin on " and I looked at them and they were just laughing. Then I started feeling dizzy and I started seeing red and blue it was really weird. So I layed down and they kept laughing and the feeling got stronger and then it died out. But I don't know. Maybe some of us have different reactions when we smoke it. Also marijuana doesnt f*ck with your brain. I heard it produces new brain cells. Its not like Im drinking alcohol or snorting cocaine main.

Just take the time and go through these pages listed below.


04-22-2007, 10:55 AM
. . . Then I started feeling dizzy and I started seeing red and blue it was really weird. So I layed down and they kept laughing and the feeling got stronger and then it died out....

After reading your story, it's safe to say that you remind me of the old me, before my first attack. Im no expert, and Im not going to attempt to tell you if you did or didn't have an anxiety/panic attack. All I can say is that your story is similar to mine. I didn't see colors (I don't remember actually). One thing is for sure, I didn't try to lay down, I was too scared and ran to the hospital instead. I felt complete terror overcome me since I felt numbness flow upwards from my feet, to my head. I felt my heart racing as if I had just finished running a marathon. My vision and my thoughts were distorted.

...Also marijuana doesnt f*ck with your brain. I heard it produces new brain cells. Its not like Im drinking alcohol or snorting cocaine main.

Again, my friend, you sound so much like I did when I was smoking marijuana. I was a heavy user of the drug and I can confirm , IT DOES ruin your brain. Almost EVERYONE who smokes Marijuana is ready to hit you with a bunch of "positive facts" about it, I know, I had tons of them. All of which I now refuse to say because I came to terms and accepted that marijuana is fact, bad. The ways it makes you feel may not be similar to alcohol, coke, meth, etc., but it still alters your senses. ACCEPT that drugs are NOT good for you.


Your first link proves to be useless, as it is from a MARIJUANA website. When you go to PizzaHut or another business, of course they're gonna tell you that their product is the best! Keeps business in business.

Your second link.... "The drug is called HU210. It’s a synthetic drug that is chemically similar to pot’s active ingredient.... But HU210 isn’t pot. Pot contains a mix of chemicals, and the body may handle marijuana smoke differently than the administration of HU210.... They didn’t study people and don’t make any recommendations about pot use....."

The information on your third link.... slightly variates from your second link.

It sounds to me like you're in denial. Like I told you in the beginning, of this reply - you remind me of the old me. It's not a good way to live my friend. Drugs pollute your body. Anything that pollutes you is NOT good for you. Thanks for hearing me out. Please make changes for yourself, and your loved ones. My life is not 100% fulfilling since Im still suffering from panic attacks, but it is better since I'm not longer smoking pot or cigarettes. Love your life and treasure it. Whatever your beliefs on resurrection are, as far as we know, we only live this life once....


04-25-2007, 07:59 PM
Yeah Im gonna start to think about it now.