View Full Version : Anxiety and Panik Attacks have left me with no appetite

09-12-2012, 08:11 AM
Around three weeks ago I had a really hard time because my anxiety came back. It got to the stage where I was having at least one panic attack every day and I felt like I couldn't physically eat.

Around 5 years ago I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks and had to get counseling etc. When I had a panic attack I was okay after a hole and felt nvm to normal. I didn't suffer again until now. After the panic attacks I had recently I was left with appetite what so ever, I used to love my food and now I couldn't care less about it. Therefore, every meal time is a struggle to actually physically eat anything. I have lost a stone now in less than a month so I need help.

I was just wondering if anyone else has been left with no interest in food after a series of panic attacks and what you did or what happened which made you normal again if it did....

09-12-2012, 08:42 AM
This just recently happened to me. It took me until this morning to eat. I'm sorry you're feeling that way :( it sucks I know....I didn't do anything different I just let it be and eventually I got hungry but maybe you could try getting some of your favorite type of food or start out small. Regardless even if forced you need to eat something. If anything stick to bland sandwiches with hearty healthy bread and turkey meats with nothing on them.....it helps.

09-12-2012, 08:45 AM
Your right it does suck, I'm kind of glad I'm not the only one who feels this way though too. Haha thanks though :)

09-12-2012, 09:24 AM
Yes! I've experienced similar loss of appetite and lost about the same weight in about the same time.

In my case eating was just a checkered flag for my anxiety. I could only bring myself to eat smt, with difficulty, quite late in the day. I not only became very anxious as soon as I started eating, but I really had no appetite at all. Does this sound familiar?

What to do... Well, you know the cause, so anything that helps you get over your anxiety will bring your appetite back. I'd say that you have already lost a significant amount of weight (how much do you weigh?), and so I'd suggest you see your doctor, or a shrink. You say you're going through therapy. How helpful is it, and are you discussing your weight loss with him/her?

I got my appetite back as soon as all the GAD symptoms subsided. I got back to my normal weight in no time.

Good luck! =)

09-12-2012, 12:40 PM
The key indicator for me, that im having a particular anxious phase, is when i lose my appetite. Thats how i'll know that im very anxious. cause usually i will eat and eat and eat. when im anxious or feeling down, i will not feel like eating at ALL. and if i do, i'll just feel like puking all day.. but u gotta force yourself to eat cause not eating will make you feel even more sick..

09-13-2012, 12:06 AM
one of my biggest fears is vomiting, so when I first started getting panic attacks, I pretty much stopped eating altogether because if I did eat I was convinced I'd throw up. I lost about 20 pounds in a month because of it...and I was already only about 97 pounds at the time. this sounds terrible, but at the time, my psychiatrist saw the way I looked and said "I don't like the way you look, and if this bull with you not eating keeps up, I will put you in the hospital and have you fed through IV, because I have the authority to. So either go home and eat, or pack your bags for the hospital." and that day, I went home and forced myself to eat. and now, I can't imagine how I DIDN'T eat XD my therapist kind of threatened me but oddly enough it worked lol. So try kind of forcing yourself to eat for now, I now it doesn't sound enjoyable but it'll get easier and easier the more you do it, I promise!

09-13-2012, 01:36 AM
Really? If my psychiatrist talked to me like that I'd sue the hell out of her, make sure she'd have no more patients, and make sure she would be prevented from practicing medicine for a while. And I'm quite sure I'd manage it. =P

09-13-2012, 04:05 AM
Anxiety Anna that's exactly how I feel. An intense fear of vomiting so avoid it by not eating!

I am 16 years old nearly 17 and I did weigh 8 stone now I weigh upwards 7 stone. The anxiety and panic attacks I had around two weeks ago were really bad, I couldn't eat hardly anything. I think starting college and going on holiday started this all off but even on holiday I could hardly eat anything and I had one panic attack. This has also affected my periods I think so it must be having a big affect on me.

I am over the anxiety bit for now it's just the loss of appetite. When I had these panic attacks around 4-5 years ago i used to recover from them quickly and feel fine after. Now, after this blip I have been left with appetite what so ever and I use to LOVE food. If I could I probably wouldn't eat because I have a battle every meal time just to get something down because I feel I can't physically eat anything.

I have made a doctors appointment but it's not for another two weeks. I USED to have therapy when I had this when I was younger but I was discharged after a year because my anxiety had gone. But now it's back and I can't eat! :/