View Full Version : Finally back to work AGAIN!!..with a new helper too...:)

09-11-2012, 03:44 PM
Hey anxiety brothers and sisters,

I made it out of the "brainfog" this am and that is a blessing. I woke up, and waited for this freakin disease to throw me back down again...it didnt! YAY!. I went about what used to be a normal day for me, although I worked a short day as ORDERED by my Dr. I feel ok so far but tomorrow will let me know if I did it right or not. I also have a new helper too, my youngest daughter. The other fella that was SUPPOSED to help me this week called on Sunday night and said something came up. I've been dealing with issues just like that with any other person I'd had help me, for 30 years..so I wasn't surprised. I asked my daughter if she wanted to work, she said hell yes I'll work! So, she brought the other truck up to the job and cleaned up the mess that I made and didnt complain or say a single word about it either. This may just be all I need, a little bit of help here and there and quite frankly I cant depend on anyone else to begin with. I paid her for her 2 hours of help, she smiled, and took off. She also said she wanted to work tomorrow too. Kinda weird coming from a 16 year old girl when you can't get anyone else to do a damn thing around here. Proud of her..Enduron & Daughter, sounds good to me! Hope everyone is doing ok around here today, I will snoop around abit..


09-11-2012, 06:21 PM
That's awesome! :-) Glad you had a good day; well deserved!

09-11-2012, 06:40 PM
Thank you much! Yes, its been a very long 3 months for me to say the least..just hoping this ole body will keep going!


09-11-2012, 06:42 PM
Sending good thoughts your way!!!

09-11-2012, 06:46 PM
Keep sendin em because when you can count how many good days you've had since the beginning of 2012 on all fingers and toes I'm hoping for more!!.. just a little break in the action PLEASE!!! :)