View Full Version : Adrenaline = danger

09-11-2012, 02:17 PM
god help me i've googled again!
It says that too much adrenaline in the system causes serious long term health problems. Adrenaline in the blood stream causes the arteries to thicken so it's really important to remove adrenaline by doing exercise when you're super anxious. is this true????
Is there another way to get rid of adrenaline cause when im anxious i cant get to the gym i just lie in my bed!! but thats bad! what shall i do? :'(
i hate you google!

09-11-2012, 07:12 PM
well if to much adrenalin causes issues with the arteries then I wouldnt be here after 40 years bruh!! How do you stop adrenalin? Stop the thoughts that are ordering yer adrenals to release it into yer system..


09-11-2012, 07:33 PM
Don't use Google! I used to do that so I completely understand, but honestly, just stop. Make yourself not use it, because you know deep down it won't help. You're worried about adrenaline, yet you're giving it to yourself by going on the internet and winding yourself up! :) You're going to be fine and deep down you know you are. You need to find a way to sit down and clear your thoughts - there may be short term fixes for taking away your panic but at the end of the day it has to come from you, naturally. Its very hard but you have to try! Its all in your mind, whenever you get a bad thought just push it aside. If it does help, go to the gym in the day, but don't wear yourself out because that will just make it worse. Hope you're feeling better! x

09-11-2012, 07:37 PM
Also can I just suggest that Sigur Ros (the band) have helped me a lot when it's come to calming down! One of the reasons I have it as my name :) If you haven't heard of them their a great Icelandic band. Maybe try listening to them, you never know, it might work for you too. x

09-12-2012, 01:54 AM
Make that your new mantra.
If the adrenaline surges are unbearable there are meds available like beta blockers. Going by what various health websites say i should have died a long time ago of the following (or have developed a serious illness); a stroke, a heart attack, diabetes, DVT, various cancers, lyme's disease, ME, MS blah blah blah. And here I am fighting fit. Funny that!