View Full Version : OCD is back...

Slammed Vdub
09-10-2012, 09:50 PM
Ok so lately i was doing just fine.... until today. I was driving home from school going about 50mph and a cat ran in front of my car on a busy street during rush hour. I broke the one rule that i learned and i swerved super hard to the left. Sadly, it wasnt enough. I heard the hit and my car is low so it was a snowplow effect. I turned around and went back and he wasnt moving and pushed over several feet from impact so i knew he was dead. Now i am freaking out and no matter how hard i try i just keep thinking im a cat killer. (which im not) i have 2 awesome cats. I know its a part of life and around 5.4million cats are hit each year but i feel awful.. And now its all coming back to me... Am i beating myself up to much?

09-10-2012, 09:59 PM
definitely. You hit a cat.. big deal.

Slammed Vdub
09-10-2012, 10:14 PM
cats in a better non anxiety filled place :D. thanks guys. overall since my anxiety started few years ago, its been getting alot better. One day at a time.