View Full Version : I feel I am out of this world

03-21-2007, 11:06 PM
Hi, I am Tan 28 yrs old. I dont know what is called, hope it might be anxiety. I feel I am out of this world, whatever I see it looks unreal or its dream, difficult to concentrate, though it happened to me long time back when I was 10yrs Old. Doctor told me I took tension of my exams and he gave me some pills and I was cured, then it happened to me in my metric exams, I overcame it immediately after my exams got over. Once this feeling was there when I was having high blood pressure, which occured due to wrong Gym Exercise some 4yrs back. This feeeling is very difficult to tackle it affects your health and daily routine even my work is getting affected. Its now 3 days, I am getting these feelings. Can anybody HELP me Please......

The Pedro
03-22-2007, 11:28 AM
derealisation a feeling of things not being real or right is something I used to get frequently. sometimes you can look in the mirror and fell detatched to the person you see. Try to do something to relax. Have you slipped into another reality? probably not!!! So try to relax and do not be afraid you can feel different day to day but if you try to concerntrate and become hyper aware of everything that is happening you can convince yourself of anything

03-22-2007, 10:56 PM
Thanks Pedro for your reply, I visited doctor last night he said its lifecycle and related to your history, but I dont think so Anxiety would be in daily life, hope I feel better soon, praying seriously for it. Anyways what you have said is true I try to relax, the more you think about it the more you feel that you are feeling this way, I mean unreal, I wasnt able to explain to anyone how was I feeling. In this forum I found the term-UNREAL, the exact way you feel. ANother thing the way I feel is the person who is having high blood pressure the way he feels the same way I feel, no headache.

03-23-2007, 05:47 PM
I think this is a permanent state.

And when i say something about it, i get " its all in your head.."

well NO fucking SHIT.

What a great help, right?

So i just stop saying stuff, bekause sometimes i feel fuckinh stu[id trying to deskribe it, especially if its to a person who believes there are no such thing as mental problems.

I guess mental retardation is a big lie then....