View Full Version : Im taking Buspar.

09-10-2012, 07:10 PM
My doctor just increased the dose from 15mg to 30mg a day and i got my first panic attack in weeks. I'm also taking Celexa at 20 mg a day.

Do panick attacks start from increasing the medication dose, I'm looking for answers. Thank you.

09-10-2012, 07:18 PM
They can. My doc prescribed xanax to take as needed when increasing my buspar dosage.....I take 45mg, per day. I had to take it a few times.....

09-10-2012, 07:24 PM
I just took the Buspar one hour ago, I do have Xanax but I'm scared to take it. From a scale from 1-10 how severe were your attacks!?

09-10-2012, 07:52 PM
From my own personal experience with buspar, that medication increased the likelyhood of a panic attack, and also increased the duration of the panic attack also. The last day I took one of those tablets, I had a panic attack that lasted over 10 mins. That was enough for me. Also, that medication is completely terrible for people that even have a panic condition anyway and I would request an explanation from your Dr, or do some quick research on your own as it may specifically say (not for use in patients who have a history of panic)..You had also better get over the fear of xanax because it is the most magnificent chemical substance ever made for those with (panic attacks)..It was purposefully designed to replace much more habit forming and illicit drugs friend, thats why its there for you..


09-10-2012, 07:57 PM
Well, once I started getting that "panic attack" feeling I would take 1/2 of my xanax pill. It would usually do the trick. It was maybe only a few days when increasing the dosage that I started getting that panic attack feeling.

09-10-2012, 08:04 PM
,I know that people who don't want to worry about the dependency factor tend to want buspar, since it is not habit forming like the SSRIs and xanax. That's why I initially started taking that, rather then the SSRI.....I will say this about Buspar though.....I needed a little extra help after taking Buspar for a little over a year. I now take a very small amt of Zoloft with the Buspar.

09-10-2012, 08:11 PM
Thank you guys, I still want to see my doctor soon and tell him all about it. I hope we can do something about this, I actually had to call out sick from work at the last minute..

09-10-2012, 08:21 PM
Buspar is always a firstline of defense for people with GAD. I believe it was made in the 80's and may have proven to be more successful back then too, but times have changed dramatically since then. Also, it generally is not used in people with panic of any sort either as studies had shown it to be more of an antagonist for these disorders to happen with more frequency and regularity. The xanax is still KING of controlling panic attacks, GAD, SAD, and is also a cross acting AD too. The xanax replaced drugs that were WAY more addictive and quite dangerous too and there have been no bad reported effects of its use other then stupid idiots that rob drug stores or have made its "stigma" into some kind of illicit street drug, of that which it really isnt at all unless you take like 5mg, and drink a 6 pack if thats how you desire to feel. The dosages that you're prescribed are quite harmless and it'll trigger the good feelings in the brain very quickly too..


09-10-2012, 08:27 PM
I have taken Xanax before and it works great, the reason why I didn't take it tonight is because I had just taken the Buspar so I didnt want any reaction to happen because of that. Well at least my mind was suggesting not to take it..

09-10-2012, 08:34 PM
No, you can definitely take those two together.....xanax and buspar...
It's tough....trying to find the dosage and/or drug or CBT combo that works....

09-10-2012, 08:41 PM
Thnx I didn't know, I will keep that in mind. I always worry about stuff like that..