View Full Version : Holy s**t these walls are full of questions and pleas for help! I can't think!!! :/

09-10-2012, 05:48 PM
Hey people, E-Man here..

I have just spent another entire day pinned down to the sofa, slobbering, unable to lift my own head or literally do much of anything else either. I'm frustrated as hell, just as many of you are too and I wish I could actually help and offer some solid, useful advice but at the moment I'm struggleing to remember what I wish to type here. I've been in a literal "brainfog" for 7 days now and I have finally figured out why also, although it isnt as easily correctable as some of the other conditions and disorders I also have too.

The "brainfog" is caused by the fact that I have an autoimmune system disease called rheumatoid arthritis that many of you already know of. The cause of the lapse of memory, distorted cognetive ability, feeling like I have no idea whats going on, is caused by the bodys response to inflammation. Although I am not in pain, I'm sore and have stiffness in many of my joints and muscles. The body releases (inflammatory cytokines which are protein molecules that are also the same ones released when patients have a severe cold, or the flu). I'm pretty sure you've all felt that feeling of "wtf is going on" or "holy s**t I'm tired as hell" during those types of illnesses and sicknesses. That is what this feels like, even though I'm not physically sick, coughing, sneezing, fever, chills or any other symptom that would be associated with colds or flus. It is weird as hell to say the least, and I am not in control of it either but now I know what it actually is. Knowledge=Power...Now, what I do with this new knowledge I have no idea yet. All I do know is that laying around this f**kin place when its 70 degrees and sunny is complete bullshit and is pissing me off.

I hope to somehow figure out how to deal with these symptoms of RA without having to take toxic medications and I have tried using different stimulants already too, none of which do a damn thing to get me up and going or alert either..Just another aspect of this stupid disease that is an after effect of high anxiety. I'm trying though!!!

I will return at some point to try to help you all out in some way, but as it stands...I have little idea or clue about how to handle this issue myself.

Best wishes,


09-10-2012, 06:47 PM
Don't worry E-man! I have temporarily replaced you.. however, i can never give the same amount of advice that you can.. lol

09-10-2012, 07:44 PM
Thats great to hear Tristan bruh!! Glad you're feeling better and able to help others through this maze of horrors at every turn, it takes some skill and knowledge and you have that to share. Proud of you Son!!

Brother Kevin, I take fish, flax, and borage seed oils mixed as they provide EFAs (essential fatty acids) throughout the 3,6,9 spectrum which is the most useful to the body and mind. I also take a tbls of extra virgin olive oil too, twice a day. They were very effective at assisting me through anxiety and overall better health and well being, however they are of little use to combat this stupid disease as it is way more powerful then the symptomatic issues associated with anxiety, tension, stress. I've got about every possible medication and herbal remedy in the book for anxiety, pain, etc..but tryin to assault RA is a way different animal for sure. I learn more and more about it each and every day as I refuse to be pinned down or ride in those autocarts at the local superstores, if you know what I'm saying. To go from being able to lift 500 pounds off of a floor, to being forced into the horizontal position by an assailant that I can not see is a whole new world to me bruh...and it isnt going anywhere either, ever. I will handle him, just gotta have all the answers to do it and there are many that I've yet to find..

It'll all work out in the long run as I've made huge strides in very little time. So much, that the Dr's themselves are baffled too. They're not used to dealin with someone like me!! LOL!!


09-10-2012, 07:53 PM
Praying for you Eman...for strength and recover...and the grace to sustain you through this.

Hang in their bro,


09-10-2012, 08:01 PM
Thank you very much brother James, well wishes appreciated. I will make it through this as it is yet just another "trial" of some sort and believe me, my life has been filled to the top with those friend! A friend was just over visiting and made a comment that was like "your life is just one hit after another hit, it seems"..A very powerful and sadly true remark, unfortunately yes but there's some certain reason for it that I don't yet know of...Having a "break" is rare here, not real sure why. :/


09-10-2012, 08:18 PM
Enduronman, I hope you feel better soon. I appreciate you offering advice while you yourself ate struggling, thank you for the effort. God bless you.

09-10-2012, 09:19 PM
Kick its ugly stupid ass :)