View Full Version : Success!

09-10-2012, 04:08 PM
So, today was my first day of my new college not knowing anyone!!
I done two years at a different college but i joined that college with my friends group from school, so today was terrifying!!
I started a media makeup and hair course, naturally i try to make my makeup and hair PERFECT! But, soon as i stepped out side it started raining, ruining everything! My boyfriend decided to drop me off at college so i wasn't on my own but in the car i was filled with anxiety, felt and looked like crap!!

Rupert gave me a kiss goodbye and wished me luck and went, great, i was on my own!

Then i met my class and they are so nice!! I got compliments on my bag and jacket so that made me feel better, my day went on perfectly!

When i got home i realised, i had totally forgotten about my anxiety all day! It was brilliant looking back on today, chatting away with new people, touching doors and not have a compulsion to wash my hands or a negative thought! I felt free and relaxed!
I am SOOO excited to spend the next two years studying something i love and being free!

It just shows that when your doing something you really enjoy you can totally banish your anxiety doing that activity!

09-10-2012, 04:34 PM
Super, smashing... GREAT!

Distraction is key to fighting anxiety. Particularly pleasant distractions - such as hobbies or feel-good activities.

It doesn't stop here, however. Look at the bigger picture and make a mental note that anxiety can & indeed HAS be beaten.
This gives ENORMOUS hope for not just tomorrow, next week or next month... but for your entire future girl.

Hip, hip... HOORAHHHH!

09-10-2012, 08:22 PM
Good for you!!!!! I'm glad you had such a wonderful day....

09-10-2012, 08:28 PM
You go you!!!!!

09-11-2012, 07:38 AM
Thanks guys! :D

I really hope i can beat this!
However, today i can feel the anxiety creeping up on me!!