View Full Version : Feel like I'm insane..

09-10-2012, 03:22 PM
Hey everyone, I decided to sign up to this forum as reading about other peoples anxiety is a great help to me. I'm a 20 year old student who in the past 2/3 months (fairly new) has been suffering with what I believe is anxiety. My symptoms are I guess the usual anxiety symptoms such as Weak legs, arms, feeling like I'm going to pass out, numbness, fear of dying prematurely, weight loss.. along with a whole heap of other symptoms which include stomach problems (recently been diagnosed with IBS) which I think is due to my anxiety. My fear of dying prematurely may come from the fact that my mother passed away when I was 14 with cancer and she was only 43, since then I've become some what of a hypercondriac.

I haven't officially been diagnosed with anxiety as I haven't seen the doctor about it ( going to on Wednesday) but I'm pretty sure I have it. :(

I have been on google continuously for the last 2 weeks self-diagnosing and freaking myself out even more.. I just want to feel normal again!

Also.. I have a fear of taking medication & side effects so what I actually want to know is.. does therapy really work?????

09-10-2012, 03:34 PM
Hello :). Yes therapy will work. You need to be comfortable with the therapist and be able to be open and honest with them. Going to the doctor is a good place to start. I completely understand your fear of taking meds because I have the same.

Googling symptoms makes everything worse!

09-10-2012, 03:38 PM
Another thing i forgot to add is, when i wake up I don't usually feel anxious but around 3-6PM i start getting anxious about time going too slow and wanting to be back in bed, does this happen to anyone else?

09-10-2012, 03:50 PM
Hey fella

Cognetive Therapy is one if not THE best methods of treating anxiety. You MUST ABSOLUTELY do it, without question.
The sooner the better.

Anxiety comprises of 2 parts:

1/ a bunch of fears tumbling around your head and
2/ fight or flight mode frequently activated

Therapy invites you to open up and talk about your issues, effectively offloading the fears that plague you so.
It also educates you in the condition you have developed which, once understood & accepted, you begin to regain control.

Do it asap.

>Another thing i forgot to add is, when i wake up I don't usually feel anxious but around 3-6PM i start getting anxious about time going too slow and wanting to be back in bed, does this happen to anyone else?

Hell yeah. This is common amongst anxious folk.
We fear the fears. We fear anxiety & the physical symptoms thereof.
So, what better way to deal with it than to be asleep? - this is what you're thinking and it makes obvious sense.

09-10-2012, 03:55 PM
Hey D u standing in for e man tonight? lol :)

09-10-2012, 03:56 PM
Thanks so much for the reply, never thought this forum could make me feel any relief from anxiety. I will definitely be discussing therapy with my GP on wednesday :)

09-10-2012, 04:07 PM
Thanks so much for the reply, never thought this forum could make me feel any relief from anxiety. I will definitely be discussing therapy with my GP on wednesday :)

Great... do it!
Your GP will have a list of reputable therapists in your area.

You may have to see a phsychologist first. It is the phsychologist's job to diagnose you before referring you on to the right therapist.