View Full Version : just needed to throw this out.

09-10-2012, 08:39 AM
Hi, i am quite new to this forum, and new to Panic Disorder. This has been for 2.5months now. Now, i went for 4 weeks, without having any therapy, psychiatrist visits and meds to help me lessen the fear. It was terrible. I cant get rid of the fear, and developed more fears. 1 week im fine(with minor panic symptoms) next week it gets real high on panic(the fears steps in).

I have been putting in a lot of effort trying to 'cure' myself. i watch out for foods that triggers my panic. I kept myself away from negative thoughts. I only drink plain water now and i walk a lot too. What i dont understand is, why its back again? the restless feeling is new, that leads to fear. Each time the fear comes, the only way to get it off is only when i have a group of people(adults) around me.

Now i have been doing well the last week, there were days i dont have the panic at all, this was during school holidays, and everyone is home, including my hubby, well he came home early and took a few days off. But then, today, monday, the children went to school and hubby went to work, and that is enough to have this restless( i dont know how to describe) like uneasy feeling and it turned into fear, now i cant be alone at home, i am terrified of staying at home which will go away once i leave to go for a walk, but that wasnt the case today, i went walking and its still there! Dont even get me started on the meds, i am terrified to eat them! Its as if im about to have a full blown panic, but not that, its like a really weird feeling of restlessness.

It eventually ease off, cause i was keeping myself busy, i shop, more than normal. because thats more than 8 hours i went out, i am terrified to go home. I have been having constipation too lately, not sure if that triggers it, or its any other things, i havent been sleeping well, id wake up gasping for air. i just thought if anyone can relate to this restlessness.

09-10-2012, 12:18 PM
Have you had a complete hormone panel?

09-10-2012, 12:28 PM
here are the key points :

1. never look on food ....that will ease panic attack ...eat whatever you like ...
2. dont keep your sellf away ....think abt your negative thought ....live this negative thought whole day night .....day will come one you will not able to think of negative if you want too...
3. walking and water is good you carry on
4. sit down and see your restless feeling ...try to increase it by fearing ...more and more and after some time you will not be able to fear ...if you wanna also

09-10-2012, 04:23 PM
>i just thought if anyone can relate to this restlessness

God yeahhhhh - I've had it a thousand times and I imagine near every other anxiety disorder sufferer has to.

The restless sensation is caused by adrenalin. High doses of adrenalin are released into your system when anxiety reaches a trigger level which invokes fight or flight mode.

In effect, you may aswell have a lion chasing you up the street. You are experiencing a similar if not the same reaction.

There's no clue in your post as to what caused your initial anxiety attacks?
(Anxiety disorder normally develops through trauma or a potent build up of many fears)

It is clear that you've now developed a self-made fear of being home alone.

Some sufferers prefer the comfort of their home, alone. Others are opposite - It can go either way.

What meds do you have? (don't be scared of anti-anxiety meds, they are very effective for emergencies)

09-11-2012, 07:36 AM
Hi everyone,

TheWhiteRabbit~What is a complete hormone panel? If you are referring to my menses, im not having menses.
If youre referring to panic during menses, yes, it gets really high on Panic mode before/during my menses.

aforce~That sounds scary.Im not sure if im ready to challenge it. I dont have much support here, im dealing with this alone. And it really gets me depressed when i think of it.

dazza~25 July 2012 5:40am, i was about to sleep when my body gave me a feeling that i needed to call the ambulance, i told my hubby and he asked me to sleep, and as i was going to, it strikes, my body was giving me signals that im about to die.
Of course, i panicked, my hands went numb, my heart beating fast, my body trembling, i couldnt breathe, my chest was hurting, i felt i wanted to puke and i thought, this is it, im gonna die!
I was scared, i was totally freaking out.
I had coffee just before i had PA.
I have a habit of drinking double shot coffee before bed and i am a heavy coffee drinker.
I believed the coffee triggered the panic, as i had another PA just days after, and this is after i drank coffee for the first time after 2-4days.
And this lead me to be mindful of my food as i really get triggered up by certain foods.
Yes, i kept notes of what i ate, and when the symptoms came.
I ate the same food for the day, to be very sure.
I was prescribed fluvoxamine maleate 50mg for daily use, which was triggering my panic at half a tablet.
So i decide to not take it anymore and went for CBT.
I also have lorazepam 0.5mg, to be taken twice daily when necessary.
I dont feel safe at home, and i will only take my meds when im being forced by my hubby or if my doc is infront of me.
The only safe place for me is the hospital, i can feel at ease just by sitting there.

forwells~ :( i havent ate ice cream since, no chocolates and cereals, and no flavoured drinks, its miserable.
I really am afraid of the fears, i can still managed with symptoms.
YES! i am in for yoga, i am actually looking for classes now.
The fears i have are mostly due to what ive heard on news, friends and relatives.
I am actually keeping away from movies, or news or stories that can put negative thoughts into my brain. :(

THANK YOU ALL for your replies, i will keep notes of them. i guess i need to understand more of this.

09-11-2012, 09:05 AM
Now i have a new thing, my tummy is bloated, as in, its normally flat, but from morning to now, its getting bigger. i sometimes get very tired of dealing. its tiring. i just want to be normal. :(

09-11-2012, 01:27 PM
i will give you one relaxation tape ...do that twice and after 2 weeks you will be as contrllable anxiety.....sorry to hear you are alone ...GOD BLESS YOU