View Full Version : Opinions please!!

09-10-2012, 12:20 AM
So I had today off cause I have a fever/cold/chesty cough..the dr says I have bronchitis and shouldn't go work tomorrow either..

My problem is, both my partner and my mother are telling me to CALL my boss (but she is soo intimidating and heartless) instead of texting her which is what i normally do..just thinking of that gets me all anxious and im a sook when I'm sick :(

They just don't get it! It's not as easy as making a call for me, I have to prepare what I'm going to say and plan ahead for comebacks when she spits nastiness at me and what if I dont sound sick ENOUGH to her? I know I'm entitled to my sick days and I have a dr cert. but I just can't call her... What would you do?!?

09-10-2012, 05:21 PM
It is always polite to ring and some companies insist on it, however - I understand it can be intimidating.
At the very least send a text or e-mail.

Take the facts... you're ILL. Very ill... and you have a certificate to prove it.
You can't get any better proof than that so you're 100% in the right and shouldn't feel an ounce of guilt.

Just get it over and done with. You'll be fine.