View Full Version : Am I the only one?

09-09-2012, 10:18 PM
Lately, I have been noticing that I become very irritable when my best friend tries to talk to me about pretty much anything. I get this over whelming sense of feeling like she is putting a lot of pressure on me and that I can't handle it. It can be anything from her asking how I'm doing to asking me for advice and I used to be the one that she could come to with anything. It has only really been the last few weeks that it has been bad. Before that she was one of the only 4 people that I could really go to with out feeling like I was being a burden. That seems to have changed though. I feel like she gets irritated with me every time I talk to her about something even though she says she doesn't.

Am I the only one that feels irritated when some one tries to go to them for advice or anything like that? What can I do about it?

At the moment I just feel like avoiding her but I cant keep doing that and its not fair to her.

Any advice will be appreciated!

09-09-2012, 10:41 PM
oh yeah.. its normal.. im guessing you get super impatient and frustrated with other little things as well.. totally normal.

09-10-2012, 04:09 AM
Yes....I've noticed I'm starting to become more irritable when my wife talks to me. Just her talking or when my baby cries I get so stressed!

09-10-2012, 04:45 AM
I get very irritated when my friend wants advice, mostly cos I'm not good at giving good advice. We also spend all day at work together and sometimes he'll ring me when im at home to ask advice or just to tell me bout something that's happened. When I see his name come up on my phone i just feel like FUCK OFF! lol

Maybe I'm just an arsehole? lol

09-10-2012, 04:57 PM
Yes....I've noticed I'm starting to become more irritable when my wife talks to me. Just her talking or when my baby cries I get so stressed!

lmao! that's EVERY mid to long term marriage me old mucker.

Give it another 10 years and you'll be sitting in silence together... perfect! :-D

09-10-2012, 05:02 PM
On a serious note, there's a reason for this irritation:

When we're preoccupied with our own stresses, angers, troubles, anxieties & other bad stuff - we tend to get wrapped up in our own world where we can only think of resolving ourselves and that others become irrelevent.

When your mate is babbling on at you, you're probably thinking; "I've got my own troubles to deal with and they're FAR more important than yours"

This is entirely dependant on MOOD. Bad mood = everyone can go fuck themselves coz my shit is more important
Good mood = I'm happy with myself therefore I have time for others

Simple really.

09-10-2012, 05:26 PM
That is the best explanation ever!!! That is exactly what it's like for me, everyday. I spend so much energy just trying to get through the day, that I'm spent by the time everyone gets home.