View Full Version : Sorry, I haven't been of much help lately..and here's why.

09-09-2012, 12:53 PM
Hey AF members, friends, and such..

I havent spent alot of time here on the forums lately because of some health related issues of my own. I did make it back to work last week after 3 months off, and then spent the last week in some sort of "zombie" land. I was again sore, in pain, fatigued, exhausted in fact, and also was experienceing some kind of "brain fog". I spoke to a Dr. yesterday about this issue in particular as I can understand the pain and soreness part after not working my physical body for that long of a period. (I was capable of moving 30,000 pounds total in a hour, at a local gym just last year so I know about pain and soreness). The "brain fog" part of this ordeal was explained to me by a Dr., although the words he spoke were merely just theory as no one really knows how, or why the disease I have affects the brain. He said that not only does RA destroy joints, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, that it also affects every single organ including my brain in some way. Not only am I already mentally disturbed, conditions, disorders, but now this stupid disease will make me even stupider if that is even a word. I can actually think today, which is kinda cool! He also asked me which (RA medications I am taking?) I told him none, 0, nothing. The look on his face changed at that time to a "WTF?" kinda look..LOL!.. He said that every person that has this disease takes medications designed to slow its progression. I told him that I refuse to take a medication that causes liver damage, hair loss, is a type of "chemo-therapy", hasn't been improved upon since 1956, is toxic, MAY CAUSE DEATH, and is used in abortion clinics too.. He said, good point and also goodluck without them too. I will not, I refuse, I will decline the use of these meds forever. I will also continue to learn more, and more about it and why it will play such a huge impact on the rest of my life too. Knowledge=Power...

Hope everyone else is doing well around here and I will try to review some post today also..

Best wishes!


09-09-2012, 01:01 PM
Do you refuse pain killers too?

09-09-2012, 01:11 PM
PS: If you notice your teen daughter leaving the house late at night with an arm full of eggs, she isnt going to make an omelet..I didn't ask either, I just smiled and said CYA! LOL!..:) That's my girl, like father like daughter..as long as it doesn't mean an arrest!!

J89, painkillers? None of them work for this type of pain and I have everyone you can possibly obtain here. The (opiate) type painkillers leave me in pain, but they also for some reason piss me off and put me into an overly unkind and uncooperative mood towards others so I don't take them. The only (1) that even remotely begins to help but not fully is called (tramadol, and is made by the Germans) but is not an opiate, nor is it addictive, nor does it cause the insensitiveness towards others either. It doesnt make me loopy, groggy, tired, or dysfunctional in any way. It is an interesting substance for sure and is also prescribed for many other things "off label".. I really like it but it isnt a daily kind of drug, not mentally or physically so there is no dependence on it after over 2 years..


09-09-2012, 01:21 PM
My mum had tramadol when she done her back in. She used to take prednisolone, methotrexate and volterol, I think for her RA.

LOL is ur gal off to egg some bastards house? Haha.

09-09-2012, 01:36 PM
I have tramadol, prednisone, voltaren, and REFUSE the methotrexate..that is the "chemo" drug. Yes, she egged somebodys house she said did her wrong. It's ok, I retaliate too but when I was her age it didnt involve the use of eggs..it involved the use of a big club and the loss of someones teeth. Now shes screaming that someone stole her jeans! I think I may take a drive, into a cornfield..

Believe it or not I get the best and quickest pain relief from turmeric, ginger, and fish oil all taken at 1 time..Within minutes my joint pain disappears but it only last about 2 hours max..

09-09-2012, 01:42 PM
Didnt do me ma any harm. Although she was a STRESSY bitch a lot lol.

I hope they didn't steal the jeans while she was wearing them?
Happy driving through fields of corn pmsl.

09-09-2012, 01:47 PM
I'm glad it didnt hurt yer ma..it harms many others. As far as the cornfield drives go, I'll do it just to f**k with the passenger of my car as they have no idea what just happened!! Its hilarious!! I'll act like I just passed out for a sec er two and slump over the wheel just to hear them and see the look on their face when I get back out of the field of corn!!! abhaahhaaaaha!!! LMAO!!


09-09-2012, 01:51 PM
Although if she falls over she will break a bone or two, and the older she gets the more likely she's gonna fall over!! :-/

And Hahahahaha that's fucking hilarious. You crack me up.

09-09-2012, 01:55 PM
I have to try to keep things real!! When yer as f**ked up as I am you must have different "coping" mechanisms and alot of em!


09-09-2012, 02:04 PM
I wanna go for a ride through some corn!! Any cows nearby?

09-09-2012, 02:11 PM
Hop in yer Mercedes and run that b**ch threw someones field!! Just dont tell yer passenger the plans...LOL!!!

09-09-2012, 02:13 PM
I cant drive :( and if I could I couldn't afford a fucking mercedes!!!! Hahaha

Maybe I could go on my push bike

09-09-2012, 02:47 PM
Man I'm grumpy. You gone driving through fields of gold? Haha mind that scarecrow.

PS don't apologise dude, you've got a fucking bagillion issues of your own to contend with.