View Full Version : Ideas needed?

09-09-2012, 02:03 AM
Hiya, need some ideas, this is a strange one though so prepare yourself lol, quick recap - I suffer depersonalisation and an eating phobia, this is part of my new problem, I can only eat weetabix and brown bread (honestly thats it so please don't msg telling me to take a different sort of food lol)
Right starting college tomorrow really looking forward to it. Except I can't eat? My day starts with a weetabix in the morning, sometimes dinner, and occasionally tea, the rest of the times I pull bits of bread bread off roll it into a ball and eat it (I sound carzy but its true)
Now I'm worried. How am I going to eat my weetabix at college? What about the milk? I could take my own but what if they expect you to buy your food there? How would I keep the milk cold? I can't last more than 2 hours without feeling faint and unable to concentrate what if I can't eat when I need to? Ideas? Help? I'm going to carry my brown bread in my handbag.. Worried about the weetabix? Because I use them to boost my energy when I need to.. Help?

09-09-2012, 03:16 AM
I am so rolling my eyes at you lol no I completely agree! I know if I face it I'll break it. I'm just not ready to face it yet, I haven't got the energy or strength right now, todays the day I try tomato soup.. Even thinking of it worries me but I'll be fine lol I need to know what to do tomorrow with college! That's my biggest problem right now..

09-09-2012, 03:29 AM
What about a thermos? ( do they keep things cold as well as hot? :-/ ) tom soup is great.
Do you take any vitamin tablets or anything?

09-09-2012, 03:53 AM
No, nothing other than weetabix, milk, brown bread and water pass these lips, nothing else go in at all lol and yeah I've been thinking about sumat like that but would I have to take my own bowl and spoon? LOL

09-09-2012, 02:09 PM

When I saw you post here a 6 weeks ago, I presented you with a posted reply that you'd never seen before but it made sense after you got past the feeling that I just punched you in the gut. There was a reason for the way I worded that particular post, especially for you. You made HUGE strides, progresses, gains, went tanning, was offering to help others, enrolled in college, kicked Pillsbury Doughboy the f**k out, and the list goes on, and on...All positive changes in your life, sudden, dramatic, immediate changes that you acknowledged, accepted, and then dealt with and handled with amazing speed like I'd never seen before..

That EXACT SAME SPIRIT of assertiveness, agressiveness, and that attack this issue attitude is still there within you and never left you either. So, that being said..crush this eating fear and correct it as forcefully as you did everything else. Food, or varieties of different foods, are not your enemy in any way, shape, or form..

You already know you can do this yourself..because you can.

Goodluck at college and best wishes to you too!!


09-09-2012, 02:52 PM
Forwells. A HUGE thank you to you.
That post REALLY got to me because that exactly how I handle things! I jump straight in whether I come out okay or not! And... I've just had a spoonful of soup. 3 weeks of weetabix and brown bread and I've just put tomato soup in my body. Because all that went through my head was ur msg. Thank you so much.
And my strange friend, that msg made me feel so much better! Even though u never aim for that! LOL yours is more a shock technique but past week or few days I've not really been concentrating on how far I've come so yeah. Fuck this eating crap. I'm hungry. I'm gunna eat at least half this soup! Thank you!!

09-09-2012, 03:07 PM
Well done cam cam. Your post made me want to go and eat some Tom soup lol

09-09-2012, 03:27 PM
Well I'll give the soup a miss camilla lol but well done u stepping on out there girl and well done with the soup too honey- one way or another it'll all work out for u honey- hope things are going smoother thn the last time I spoke to u xx

09-09-2012, 04:17 PM
Proud of you!! Even though you think I'm strange..because I am and you're right on that too!! Keep moving forward and making progressively better strides in your life just as you have been because the spirit to change things and make s**t happen will never leave you, a great trait of character to have..


Mr. Strange Person..Enduronman..:)

08-15-2013, 09:03 AM
First of all I just want to say that you're not alone; I too suffer from Depersonalisation and an eating phobia! And I too only ate weetabix for a while! In fact it got so bad I was too scared to even drink water but forced myself to live on a diet of yoghurt, soup, milkshakes, and water. I lost a LOT of weight and only got better because I was threatened with a feeding tube. But I'll tell you what really helped me; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). I've just finished my CBT and have been on it since last October. If I didn't do it then I seriously think I never would have even started to get better. You can do it whilst you're in college and the support workers are there to encourage you to stretch your comfort zone but will never force you to do something you really don't want to. But until then maybe you should think of investing in a mini-fridge to put in your room? Then you can keep the milk in it. I hope this kind of helped. x