View Full Version : Whatever!!!!

09-08-2012, 11:02 PM
I've decided to be done with medication. I went to my dr to complain about Zoloft not working for anxiety anymore, so she decided to UP MY DOSAGE. I was furious, because I know that Zoloft is notorious for making anxiety worse up to 25% in some cases. But silly me didn't want to speak up. I felt like I'd be wasting her time and also didn't want to argue w/ a dr.
Anyway I just stopped taking it. Mostly out of anger. But I didn't taper it off. So I've even feeling so nauseous and mean.

5HTP. GOOGLE IT! It's a supplement and can do wonders for people like us

09-08-2012, 11:08 PM
I had a similar experience but mine was first celexa then lexapro now onto paxil I really think that before you see your doctor write down how you are feeling that way you can just read it to her and you won't feel so rushed also remember you are paying her for a service so Id make sure she was listening and understanding what you are going through.... Idk I hope you are feeling better withdraw symptoms suck....

09-16-2012, 09:49 PM
Thank you guys!! I have been off it for about a month now and I feel better. At first, withdrawal symptoms SUCKED but oh we'll now I feel fine and I'm happy!!!