View Full Version : bloody nose from stress and anxiety? PLEASE help!df

09-08-2012, 12:57 PM
i was woken up this morning from a call from my best friends boyfriend telling us that my best friends mom passed away unexpectidly this am and to get to her moms house asap. so i jumped outta bed got ready (kind of) and rushed over there to be with her and her family. i was there most of the morning, im not much of a cryer in high pressure situations so i didnt cry that to much....but i came home about an hour ago and started baking a cake for another friends bday today and during it i started to get a nose bleed....i dont really get them often (except maybe blunt force ones) but it was just a minor one, i sat back with a paper towel and tilted my head and in 5 min it was gone ....i am definitly shakey with anxiety right now, and this little nose bleed just sent me through the roof :o( please someone get back to me and let me know if this has ever happen to you?? is this normal kind of???? please PLEASE help!

09-08-2012, 01:49 PM
I had a bone spur removed from my nose, but before that, I was having nosebleeds coupled with anxiety attacks. I would start hyperventilating and it would dry out my bone spur and cause nosebleeds. You might want to check with an ENT to see if you have a deviated septum (a common cause) or a bone spur like I did.