View Full Version : Need some advice

09-08-2012, 08:06 AM
I was diagnosed with GAD approximately a month ago. I was nervous all the time, butterflies in the stomach,worried about everything and had somewhat of a short fuse. I went to my GP who I've seen for 20+ years and he prescribed citalopram 10mg. I also lost feeling in my right side of my jaw from having bad TMJ which he prescribed Prednisone. I felt terrible for 4 days and the my Dr had me quit taken both, not sur if it was both or just one causing the problem.He then put me on 10 mg of lexapro wich worked great but I was falling a sleep at work, took that for 10 days. He then switched me to Buspar. After 10 days on buspar I started to get scary dark thoughts about friends and family, he imediatly had me discontinue taken the buspar. We decided to try the citalopram 10mg again, I had been on this for SAD for about a year with zero side effects.On day three of taken this my anxiety was way worse and I was constantly having the horrible dark thoughts and sleeping 20 hours a days and became very emotionally flat.I stopped taking the citalopram after five days,aug 25th, at which time my DR prescribed Ativan until my next Dr appointment which was on sept the 5th.I was hoping all of these meds would clear out of my system.I still dont feel like i did before all of the meds.I had a coule of days where I felt normal.I still have dark thoughts but not as much.By the way My Dr put me back on Lexapro 5mg and 1mg of Ativan Twice a day ,on day four and so far no sidfe effects. I never had scary dark thoughts before the buspar and Citalopram, Any thoughts or comments .