09-08-2012, 01:47 AM
I'm Sarah I've been dealing with anxiety since I was a child. Of course I didn't know that's what it was so last year when I started going to a new doctor I told her about my symptoms and what I should do she prescribed me celexa. First few weeks were HORRIBLE omg I thought I was going to die. Finally I was able to sleep for a week then symptoms were back so she upped my dose to 20milg still no change. Switched me to lexapro didn't do anything. So today I go to her an my anxiety is KILLING ME chest is in a knot I feel like a whale is sitting on me. As I'm trying to explain how I'm feeling she's nodding and I tell her about these weird shock like feelings now I see she's looking at me like I'm completely NUTS.... Which frustrates me because I'm telling her the best way I can explain it now it's taken a YEAR and she finally says I don't think you have depression I think you suffer from anxiety so now tonight I started Paxil. I get online and start reading other people's comments and so on and they too have the same experiences as I do. I finally feel validated like Im not crazy and my feelings are justified... Now I know this is a lot all at once but I really needed to get it out.....and I'm sure that's more than just a get to know me... Thing...... Lol sorry..... :)