View Full Version : Lorazepam effects

09-07-2012, 11:24 AM
Hi, Anyone here took lorazepam 0.5mg? how long will the pill last?

09-07-2012, 12:51 PM
I don't know if it's the same but I've taken Diazepam in the past.

Diazepam takes about 15 minutes to start. After 30 mins I feel calm. After 45 mins I'm quite drowsy. After an hour I'm often very sleepy.

Takes about 4 hours to clear.

That's my rough guide!

09-07-2012, 01:00 PM
Diazepam takes about 15 minutes to start. After 30 mins I feel calm. After 45 mins I'm quite drowsy. After an hour I'm often very sleepy.

haha, what you describe is normally what happens to me after taking lorazepam. i had them since a month ago, but i dont know till how long they last. sometimes i needed to stay awake till wee hours in the morning, just thought if i could use lorazepam to keep off panic till im done with my work. which norm is say 8 hours.

09-07-2012, 04:50 PM
Ativan has a half life of about 20-24 hours. I found good for most of the day during college. Works in an hour and can be dissolved under the tongue if needed to work quicker. Tasty sugary. Very common and pretty good anxiety med. IMHO. Alankay

09-08-2012, 03:51 AM
I have been put on lexam 10 mg ( Escitalopram (trade names Nexito, Anxiset-E (India),Cipralex (Pakistan) Lexapro, Cipralex, Seroplex, Elicea, Lexamil, Lexam, Entact, Losita (Bangladesh), Reposil (Chile), Animaxen.
today so see how that goes never been on this one I was on Zoloft once but at the end of the day they all should do the same job

09-08-2012, 07:07 AM
alankay ~ lorazepam can be dissolved under tongue? i havent tried. ativan and lorazepam are the same right? mine is the round tiny pill. the effects are quite long. thats awesome.

troy294 ~ wow, that is a lot of meds, i have no idea what they are. i only have fluvoxamine maleate 50mg and lorazepam 0.5mg. i stopped fluvoxamine after taking half of it. it was triggering my panic, and i dont like the after effects.

09-08-2012, 07:20 AM
I'm not taking them all . It tells you what' the name is in different countries

09-08-2012, 08:00 AM
They are named differently in different countries?! I have no idea! OMG!

09-08-2012, 08:12 AM
Yep. Ativan is lorazepam. Ativan is the US brand name for lorazepam. Yes, it can be dissolved if needed to work quicker but most are not aware of it. My pdoc told me as I was trying to drop by dose lower and lower to see how well I could calm myself in various situations. He mentioned if I got in a "spot" I could place some under my tongue, move it around and get it moist so it would dissolve on the soft tissue there and work it way into the blood stream. Seemed to work quicker that way indeed. But I usually just took as usual. Alankay

09-08-2012, 09:58 AM
alankay ~ looks like i have a lot to learn, ive been going the natural way. not that i have issues with meds, i just cant swallow a pill, thank god lorazepam is tiny. if it aint, im not able to consume it. also, i am a little paranoid over pills. i dont like side effects, they really scare me. and during a PA, it makes it even worse. What other tips do you have? lol. my Doc doesnt really teach me much. i learnt much more on the net than in the Docs. but they are very good listeners, and can calm me down. its like, my safe spot is the docs.