View Full Version : Do you ever feel anxious for no apparent reason at all?

09-07-2012, 10:07 AM
If you dont want to read the text the question is at the bottom :)

Im starting to get more and more control of my anxeity as years pass. A few years ago when my anxeity skyrocketed I was afraid to go out of the door, I just had to much sensations, dizzy tension headaches, cold feet, cold hands, numbness in face, tightness in stomach, and about 45 more symptoms u guys know the deal. Plus back then I was dealing with alot of depression, anyway after much trial and error and eating healthy, socializing, doing my own style of CBT and a great deal of mental strength and courage I became better on my own. But since I made this journey without meds and therapy and completely by my self I never really got rid of it, I always have it with me but I have the courage enough to deal with it myself and thats fine by me.

So now you have some background info on me, now to my question. Lets say you first have a great week much fun, much work,good sleep etc.. and then at the weekend you maybe go out for a few drinks which turns into to many drinks to count and you wake up super hung over the next day and ur anxeity is through the roof and you cant even seem to get food down during the entire day. And on top of that you face alot of family problems that really gets to you, and you just swallow it all down and focus on other stuff just like you have always done before. Now come monday morning you wake up feeling pretty ok, and you go to work/school, during the ride your feel super anxious for no apparent reason, cold sweat, heart racing, globus hystericus in full force etc.. but as the soldier you are you just battle on and focus on work. Now come lunch break you cant seem to get any food down, because that globus hystericus is in full force still(eventho u know its comepletely harmless you still think its darn unpleasant). And still you soldier on and try to focus on the good aspects of life and try to have fun until you get off work.

Now when you get off work and your traveling home again you feel super anxious for no apparent reason at all heart racing widly cold sweat etc etc and your having a full blown panic attack. But as the soldier you are you take a few deep breaths call somebody and talk about random things until its your buss stop and you go off feeling great, but shaky(Okay? what just happened here?) Now by this point you are starting to feel a little bit bad, you have felt great through out all of this and have a positive mindset, and by bed time you have just watched a great movie and you go to bed and you have a big fat panic attack, and all you think is why? I felt so great a little while ago.

Now the week prior or the week after, you go through the same ordeal only you feel like you always do which is "good", you still feel your symptoms but their all very minor and ignorable. You dont experience eating problems, you dont suddenly feel like vomitting, or your heart doesn't race for no apparent reason at all. You simply do not feel any of the symptoms, which is to many to count.

I feel like I went a little bit off topic hehe... My question is that is it only who feels like anxiety comes out of the blue? I mean I know I had a shit week a week ago, but cmon? am I feeling anxious over that now? Since i've gone from being anxious 10/10 on a scale and not beeing able to walk out my door, and for me now two years later beeing able to do whatever I want, I still have one problem left, and id like to deal with it on my own. And its this feeling that anxeity and so on just comes out of the blue, I can be having a good week and on friday I go out with my friends to drink and on the way there I suddenly feel a tension headache or just like vomiting because i've subconsciously tensing my stomach for far to long, Or I sit at the computer chatting listening to music and I suddenly feel a huge ache in my jaw and then I notice ive been subconsciously clenching it to.Or I just notice I have globus hystericus and I move my jaw and my neck and I see that ive been tensing my thorat/jaw/neck area. Why does my body act out? why dont I have any sens of control it all seems to be somehow linked to my subconscious.Today this have piqued my interest, it just so weird hehe :P I want to get to the bottom of it.(I just had drinking as an example, I dont really drink much, just sometimes :P)

Now actually after making the post, when I really think about it I always feel anxious every day for four years now(first year was locked up in my own home for almost the whole year) only it varies, some weeks/days its so minor you can ignore it and somedays its just through the ROOF, your thoughts are everywhere etc..

09-07-2012, 10:18 AM
I just want to add that i've once tryed Xanor and some king of SSRI on separate ocassions, from a friend. And I do realise that one or two pills just really helps me get rid of everything. But thats not the way I want to go, I dont need pills, they only mask the problem. I can take two Xanor and get trough the day fine, and no matter what problem or obstacle comes my way I nothing happens. Or even if I dont get any problems at all I feel zero anxeity, its like the pills cut it all off, which they obviously made for.

09-12-2012, 11:08 PM
I have the exact same problem. My anxiety varies from day-to-day, not even week-to-week. One day I feel on top of the world and like I have 100% control over my anxiety, and it could be maybe 10 minutes later, without any triggers and for no apparent reason, my heart starts racing, I have this fear come over me, and my thoughts begin to race as I start shaking so hard that I can't even function. Living life like this makes it very hard to make plans because not only am I worried about how I feel the next day, but at lunchtime I am worried about how I will feel by dinnertime. It's a horrible thing to have to deal with, and some days I wonder how I am going to make it though, but somehow I seem to. It's extreamly tough, and the DR's can't seem to figure out why I am the way I am, so currently I'm still suffering though it. Some DR's say it is GAD (General Anxiety Disorder) but my symptoms seem a bit more severe than GAD symptoms. SSRI medications have NEVER helped me, in fact I have had reactions each time I take them. I take Klonopin as needed for the anxiety, but after a while it is no longer therapeutic. I'm glad you have chosen to not medicate because you don't have to worry about being dependent on anything, but please remember that not all medications are bad, and maybe there is a good one out there for you. I wish you the best of luck, and congratulations on coming this far!

09-20-2012, 05:06 AM
Im same way.... anyone else deal with this?

09-20-2012, 05:38 AM
Feeling anxious cycling or exercising is common with people with anxiety. your heart rate is increasing. You'll subconciously associate this with your anxiety and panic attacks and in turn you'll be overcome with the usual fears and pains and such like. I think it's triggers, some better hidden than others. For one thing, if I'm feeling perfectly fine I will realize in a split second "I have no symptoms" then before I know it, symptoms are here. People with anxiety are overly sensitive to the tiniest indicator that something could be wrong in there body. The slightest pain could be interpreted as impending danger. The classic tale of "fight or flight". The body geared up to react etc. But when there is no danger but we still feel anxious? Well then our bodies and minds will be working over time. Constantly on the look out for this perceived danger. Then a twinge or a sharp pain. Your mind suddenly thinks "this is it, danger" but there isn't anything there. Just a highly stressed and tensed up state of mind and a body full of tension. You feel mentally and physically drained some days and other days you'll feel fine. But the slightest change or trigger will send you spiralling into the cycle of worry and panic over symptoms which causes more stress which in turn causes more anxiety and round and round we go.

As for the remedy? I'd say CBT. I'm starting soon and so many people on here have said it has helped a lot. But a pro-active approach and mindset to change has to be enforced. There's no simple switch to anxiety and changing the way your mind thinks or over-thinks situations. I think a lot of us hope for a quick fix, or a drug to mask symptoms. But in reality big changes will need to be undertaken to start to feel more like your old self again. Even then I hear people who've done CBT and still get bad days when symptoms will still be there.

The question is, althugh we sya we've been having anxiety for "X" amount of months or years. What about before then? If we ask ourselves honestly, before anxiety and symptoms hit us like a truck, how balanced did we feel? Did we ever get worked up, stressed, angry or upset quickly? Did we ever have worries which were at the forefront of our minds and hard to shake off? I think anxiety disorders take a while to manifest themselves. Some people might have a sudden onset, but I think for a lot of us there'll be underlying causes which need to be addressed, as well as finding methods to deal with the problem that is facing us here and now.


09-20-2012, 06:01 AM
>The question is, althugh we sya we've been having anxiety for "X" amount of months or years. What about before then? If we ask ourselves honestly, before anxiety and symptoms hit us like a truck, how balanced did we feel? Did we ever get worked up, stressed, angry or upset quickly? Did we ever have worries which were at the forefront of our minds and hard to shake off? I think anxiety disorders take a while to manifest themselves. Some people might have a sudden onset, but I think for a lot of us there'll be underlying causes which need to be addressed, as well as finding methods to deal with the problem that is facing us here and now

I think you'll find we're inherent worriers anyway.. and anxiety disorder is the result of that.

Years of worry, shying away, avoidance and contentious mindsets have led us to where we are today.

It all make sense when you think about it.

09-20-2012, 06:08 AM
I agree with Ed. I'd like to add that for myself anxiety may seem to be back/worse out of the blue but it usually happens when something is bothering or stressing me and I'm not dealing with it. Also I've lived with it so long that when things are going well, I find myself thinking "hmm, when will it get worse again?" because that's what I'm used to now.