View Full Version : How to get over exercise fear?

09-07-2012, 05:03 AM
Hi Everyone.

My biggest fear, and the cause of most my symptoms is exercise, of any kind even a short walk. I feel nervous a lot anyway but when I know I need to walk anywhere I get really hot and sweaty, my back arm shoulder chest all tense up and I feel sick. My Jaw goes numb, my skin gets prickly and i feel lightheaded. Its hard to believe it's in my head? It's the same when I eat too.

Does anyone else get this? Once I start to move I feel worse and worse I get achy type pain in my left arm, all my chest and head and more scared so I stop and it then takes an hour to recover from all the horrible feelings.

I do have healthy anxiety, centred around heart attack fear, which I think is why.

Does anyone have any tips to get through it? Other than, don't think about it, as it's much easier said than done.

Just to add I've had 6 blood tests, and 3 ecgs, 2 a&e visits in the last 6 months. They say I'm in good health.....should I believe them????? Or are they just fobbing me off because there sick of me?



09-07-2012, 07:32 AM
The key is started slow. Start out with some simple stretches....(right leg out, left leg in, stretch it out for a,10 count...switch legs and do the same for a 10 count. Put both legs in front of you, stretch it out for a 10 count, then bend both legs in , like a,butterfly, hold for a 10 count. Stand up and try to touch your ankles for a ten count then slowly stand up, stretching your arms over your head.....clasp your hands over your head for a 10 count. Pay close attention to your breathing during the stretching exercises.
Then perhaps start out by doing a brisk walk for 15 minutes. Start at a comfortable pace for you, just enough to break a sweat. It will be a little scary, but you can do it!!!! Do the stretches every day and try to set a goal to walk a little bit longer every few days. If you have been checked or did some type of stress test on your heart and got good results,then you are ok!!!! Trust me, after your exercise, you will feel like you have so much energy.

09-07-2012, 11:29 AM
Michelle, I've been there big time.

Let's do some CBT over here. Describe your fear. What do you think might happen if your heart starts racing? Be specific!

09-07-2012, 12:19 PM
Thank you for the advice trini! I will defo
Give it a go x

09-07-2012, 12:24 PM
Hi Siegfried,
Thanks a lot for getting in touch. As soon as I think about my heart rate rising, I think it will lead to a heart attack. Excercise, walking, sex, cleaning, anything!! That what makes me feel
Sick and lightheaded and pain. If I then do excerise it intensifies, and I feel like I'm going to pass out. It's horrid. It's been exactly the same for 10 months. I would have had a heart attack by now wouldn't I if I was going to have one???

Thank you so much for your time x

09-07-2012, 12:41 PM

The (simple) biology:

Your deeply embedded heart attack fear is triggering fight or flight, which in turn unleashes the symptoms you experience.

Ironic that the symptoms feel like the very fear you have, eh? (anxiety has a sick sense of humour ya know)

My advice:

Do the exercise... feel the panic... reassure yourself of what's happening... feel the calm... carry on exercising... triumph!

I.e. break through the panic barrier and come out the other side waving the victory flag.
You have to beat this shit in order to conquer it.

If you fail first time... try again... and again... and again... and again... until you win.

09-07-2012, 04:58 PM
Go for it!!!!!! Let us know how it works out. You will start to feel really energized after exercising.....

I take Tai Chi, and what I mentioned before is one of the warm up exercises that we do. Tai Chi has been wonderful.....you get your exercise, work on meditation, but the movements are all very slow and controlled.