View Full Version : help.

09-06-2012, 09:22 PM
hi. right now, i feel very anxious, panicky and a bit depress i suppose. there are alot of things tunning trough my mind right now. first my health really bothers me, i am hyperthyroid but it has been in a controlled stage for the last two years. so i am really worried why it happened. ive been having this panic/anxiety attacks for one and a half months now and i think it greatly affects my thyroid because the first time i had my panic attack, my hormpne went out just normal but after several trips to er and hospital and taking bromazepam, my thyroid got uyperactive again after 2yrs. plus i have been diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse wherein 2cardiologist said thats its just benign and im doing just fine. but really, it bothers me everyday to the point wherein im always depress and dont know what to do. im trying my best to do exercise, meditation and looking forward for yoga but i believe it takes time to be myself again. im feeling a little down also because of unemployment due to my state right now while my sister again have her work leaving me in a jealous/depress state and my boyfriend is gonna work to another country in a month now. im really down. really anxious. depress. any advice? thanks.

09-06-2012, 10:54 PM
Listen to the dr. You are fine. Just get all your regular check-ups and whatever he/she recommended and you will be ok. Positive reinforcement can be very helpful. Try to see the bright side of things. Bad economy? Well, maybe not working can give you time to explore a new interest; something that gives you fulfillment. Do what comes natural. And yes, eat well, exercise, yoga, etc. You will be ok. :)

09-07-2012, 01:04 AM
You are going to live a long and good life me old bean.

Mitral valve prolapse is quite common and in near all cases it is perfectly harmless. Most people don't even know they've got it, but even if it becomes a bit of problem - it can be treated successfully.

Thyroid is easily controlled. Millions of people suffer from it but with tried & trusted medication it is not a problem.

09-07-2012, 01:12 AM
thanks orangeribbon and dazza. i guess its just anxiety and panic thats creeping up all over me. it's just hard to trust my doctors now especially with all of these scary feelings but im trying my best to overcome this and be myself again. :)) plus i dont want to take benzo's now or ssri because of the side effects. i guess taking benzo triggers my thyroid to over function again. now, as much as possible i dont take it.

09-11-2012, 06:13 PM
having palpitations and fast heart beats since yesterday makes me want to totally freak out and run from this but i chose to stay calm. oh God.

09-11-2012, 06:27 PM
I'm having these also right not but only when I'm trying to relax and sleep it's doing my head in!

09-11-2012, 06:52 PM
I love beta-blockers! Get some..and, I've been in such messes I dont even wanna list them as they never seem to stop. I do not allow myself to get down so far that it becomes a depressive state and believe me, I've got enough reason to do just that. Life is filled with ups and downs, and I've had maybe 30 total up days this entire year. Remove those neg thoughts or figure out how to turn the negs into something acceptable.


09-11-2012, 09:32 PM
im taking propanolol but im trying not to pop some pill for a couple of days cause i think i can tolerate the palps, but im on the edge of taking one now. my palps and chest tigthness is really getting into my nerves now. ive been free from this chest tightness before and now its all back. crap. burning sensation in my stomach is freaking me out also. :((((