View Full Version : what to do

09-06-2012, 05:55 PM
Hey evryone first of i need to warn u my english typing is not all that good . I would like to get advise from u guys and girls on how to build upp the courage to seek proffesional help. I have been meaning to go see a dr for over 1.5 yr now and evry time i almost make an apointment i back out an tell myself i dont need it and that i just need to swalow it and that it wil get better in time . But it clearly doesent its just getting worse. I want to try talking to my mom about it but she got alot on hete plate allready and dont want to burden her. So i dont have anyone to talk to about it. I have lost contackt whit most of my friends over the last few years still have some around tho becouse of my brother who is only 1 yr older we allways have had some common friends so i get to socialise evry time he is around even tho im extremly tierd the first houres after being "social" this is turning in to a ramble sorry for that i get loose my concentration very fast i allso think i have depression issues but more in periods the anxiety is constant but i hide it verry well ore if i have a verry bad time i isolate myself over loong times maybe 1.month at the time . I can allso mention i had a pretty rough childhood i was in and out of institusjons ore childhomes have had drugg problems and i allso tend to drink more often then i should to ease the anxiety but that often makes me verry easy angry and i tend to get in much problems bc of that i am how ever on the road to recovery on that part now at days i try to ease it whit smoking some hasj and relaxing whit some good food and movie whitch is working good for me atm is this somthing that i should not do? Wil it make it worse over time? I allso read here in a other post about a symptome head pressure i got that too all day evry day csn someone confirm that its the anxiety that does this? And is it just me ore is the morning wen u wake up and evning wen u go to sleep verry stress full? I allso get what u call brain zapps evry now and then and understand that its the anxiety that does this but i allso get like a very loud scream in my head sometimes righ just before i go into sleep it sounds like the devil him self its very anoying and makes my anxiety gi true the roof for a short period any of u have adivse on how to remedy this? I gues thats it for now feel free to ask questions

Cheers Thomas

09-07-2012, 01:20 AM
Hi Thomas,

I think it's important to take into account that you can reduce or eliminate the anxiety issues you are experiencing however it can take time and and patience and the right frame of mind is very important.

These are some tips I can give you that may help relieve some of the problems you are experiencing. If you can ensure you do some or all of the following, it should help:

1) Exercise - This can help your mood and relieve frustrations you may be experiencing. Yoga works very well.

2) Eating healthily - Look to your diet to see if there are things you can try changing for a while - consider your caffeine and alcohol in take as it might be higher than what your body can effective handle during stressful times. Often we think having a drink or two can be good for taking the edge off but this type of self medication can become part of the problem. By reducing caffeine and alcohol consumption you will find it easier to get a good night's sleep - rest is always beneficial for managing stress.

3) Breathing techniques - A number of breathing techniques can alleviate anxiety. For one thing, many people find that when they’re anxious, they breathe shallowly, from the upper chest — and when breathing is shallow and fast, the body responds with an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and stress hormones. In bad moments, they might even be holding their breath. Instead, take a few moments and simply notice your breathing patterns. After a few breathing cycles, take a deep breath. Let your belly be soft and relaxed, and breathe from your lower abdomen. Repeat — and use this technique any time you notice that you’re tense or worried.

If you would prefer to take more of a natural avenue without having to deal with side effects of medications, there are a number of treatment programs that I know of that have worked very well for people that i know.

Let me know how you get along and pm me any time if you have any questions.

09-07-2012, 04:36 AM
hey thank you for the reply :) i must say what u write about breath is exactly how i get in tense moments breath wery short breaths and always from top end of my lungs. i wil try to learn some good ways to make that better. and i used to drink 10+ cups of coffie each day and i always drink it black as night. i wil try to not drink anymore of it now that i have learned that it can make the anxiety worse. i have been doing alot of research after i could put a name on what was wrong whit me for years now and i see i realy need to change my life style completly i loved to go to the gym at the age of 15-16 but i let my anxiety get in the way and still think it wil be to much to start whit but wil try to do some home work out and maybe some night jogging
could u recomend some natural herbs tee ore other things like that for me ? and yes i am concerned about side effects and the posibility of getting hooked on meds, and want to do that as last resort ty again for help :)

Cheers Thomas