View Full Version : I feel like I can't physically eat...

09-06-2012, 02:44 PM
I'm 16 and I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. When I was younger, around 11 I had bad anxiety attacks and was retching all the time to the extent where I didn't want to go out anywhere and if I did I found it incredibly hard to stay in control. Along with this I was also not eating much at all through the fear of being sick.

However, after seeing several people and visiting counseling sessions I eventually got better and I was able to perfectly normal until now.

My anxiety is back and I have had several panic attacks recently for no apparent reason, with these attacks I feel incredibly sick to the extent where I gag/wretch. I have no appetite and struggle to eat. It feels like my body is rejecting food and nearly every meal time is a struggle to eat. Every time I can't eat I feel extremely depressed and upset with myself for not eating, my parents are so worried about me. This really is affecting my life, I'm starting college next week I don't know how I'm going to cope.

I have finally plucked up the courage and given in to making a doctors appointment, however it's not for two and a half weeks and I feel I really need some help, so if you feel you could be of any help please say something, I can't take this anymore!

09-06-2012, 02:53 PM
I used to have the exact same problem at that age!!!
Also recently i have had a problem with eating!
So i have a few pointers for you :)
Great start by making an appointment at the doctors, it will help so much, trust me!
On the eating part all i can say is work up to eating normal food like a baby does, i don't mean baby food though, haha!
I mean, start with liquids like soup and then work your way up to solids and you will be ok :D
If you need to chat anytime, I'm here :)

09-06-2012, 02:56 PM
Thank you, it's nice to have some words of encouragement. I'm trying so hard to get over this but I can't get over this feeling inside me. It's like something is taking over me and I can't control it. :'(

09-06-2012, 03:29 PM
I completely understand what you mean! Only a few weeks ago i was having serious difficulty eating!
Please don't let your self starve dear, i got to that point and when i did eat i became very nauseous after finishing because i wasn't eating enough in a day so when my body did have something to digest, its like it worked over time because it finally had food!

Just keep telling this feeling inside that you will not let it take over you!!
You don't have to feel like this and you can beat this, i promise!!


09-07-2012, 10:11 AM
I forced myself to eat, i had no choice, i know if i dont eat, it will get worse. and i am scared of what might happen if i dont eat. so i end up like annalea, i went from liquids to solids, switching in between and i eat every 2 hours cause i can only take 4-5 spoons each time. over time, my appetite went back to normal.

09-07-2012, 03:02 PM

Wow, thanks for replying! I never really thought about that before, when I can't finish a meal I get really upset and depressed so I guess taking it one step at a time might help. :) thanks guys.

09-08-2012, 07:09 AM
no worries, just remember, baby steps, start small, but regularly, in a long run, it will help. :)

09-08-2012, 07:46 PM
I went through that too. In fact I lost so much weight my mom and sister thought I was on drugs!!!!! They had no idea it was just from anxiety. This was years ago, but I remember that every time I tried to eat I would get so sick. It got to the point though that I was getting sick because I wasnt eating much. I started with soups and crackers and dry cereal. Then I worked my way back up. I definetly agree with taking baby steps! Don't be hard on urself if u can't finish a meal. Congratulate urself for eating as much as u did!

09-08-2012, 08:41 PM
im the same dry crackers , soup , people think i have anoxeria buuts it just plain stupid anxiety , i wish there was a cure for it , im over it and just want to feel normal , its starting to ruin my life .

09-08-2012, 09:12 PM
I went through that too. But I'm eating just fine now no problems. Working my way back up. I took baby steps. Now I eat three
Meals a day.

09-10-2012, 05:56 AM
I totally understand!! I have been suffering from anxiety since I was 13 years old and now I'm 30!! I can go months without it and then when something happens etc it sets it off! I can't eat I gag even thinking about it esp in the mornings. As the day goes on I am hen able to eat a bit. I am going through it right now! I have lost a total of 8 lbs in 3 weeks from stress! I just keep telling myself it will get better :( good luck

09-22-2012, 12:44 PM
Wow thanks people! Haha I am better now but I'm just so worried I'm going to relapse and it's just going to be a vicious circle! I was on the verge of a panic attack the other morning, I was half way through my breakfast but once that kicked in I couldn't eat and my stomach was as hard as rock. Anxiety is ruining my life too I just want it to go forever!

09-22-2012, 12:44 PM
Thanks people! Haha I am better now but I'm just so worried I'm going to relapse and it's just going to be a vicious circle! I was on the verge of a panic attack the other morning, I was half way through my breakfast but once that kicked in I couldn't eat and my stomach was as hard as rock. Anxiety is ruining my life too I just want it to go forever!

09-23-2012, 05:30 AM
I know we were having this prob around the same time just wanted to encourage you by saying I'm eating normal now :) I forced myself to eat at least a sandwich with nothing but meat everyday and its all gone for now. It does come back here n there but once you beat it you feel like blah it will be gone in a few days. I also learned that I have to eat alone and in quiet like no tv or distractions otherwise I get sick. Hope this helps some Hun!

09-23-2012, 08:20 AM
Thank you inzomblac, you have given me hope! :)