View Full Version : Contantly changing symptoms

03-18-2007, 11:46 AM
Hi, I'm new here, and I've tried to look through the posts before starting this one, but I may have missed it...hope I'm not going over something that has been already dealt with too much!! Anyway, the last few months I've not been able to breath comfortably. I am always tired, and the pressure on my chest is constant, but these other symptoms are even more disturbing. At first it was mild chest pain, then when I dealt with that, it became not being able to take a deep breath (lots of sighing), then when I got sort of used to that, it has become almost constant yawning. I have read that anxiety symptoms can come and go, but I find that once these are gone, something totally different but equally disturbing takes its place. I wanted to know if this is something that has been experienced by others, and what you recommend I do...just deal with each new symptom as it comes? (Cause so far that hasn't gone so well!) Anyway, thanks in advance for any input!

03-18-2007, 12:15 PM
Sorry forgot to add this: my symptoms started suddenly - I had one very severe panic attack (been having little ones all my life but not like this) in Dec, and then over a period of about 3 weeks the feelings of pressure etc became constant. I went to the doctor, got tons of tests and was told it was anxiety, but I don't feel anxious all the time - sometimes, yes, but.....anyway, my other question was this: I find it hard to believe that this could just start all of the sudden at the age of 24, in a time of low stress. Is this what happened to anyone else? Just suddenly, like POW! now you have constant anxiety for no apparent reason?

03-18-2007, 09:17 PM
Hey man I know exactly what your talking about.... My symptoms change constantly. Ill have days where I dont have any almost all day then they will just start up. The chest pains, the difficulty breathing; they change, come and go, and just annoy the living shit out of me. Honeslty all I have been able to do is attempt to calm myself and just tell myself its my anxiety. Its one of the hardest things to do but Im trying, I have had tests to check my heart ( all have been perfectly fine ) I have a CTscan, Ive had the pulmary test to check my breathing everything is fine... Yet I still have all the symptoms I had before. I wish I could give you advice on what to do about them, but I havent figured it out yet either :? I just want to go back to my normal life I had before i developed the anixety, Im only 20 by the way and ahve been dealing with my shit since August

03-28-2007, 07:11 PM
i get this too , the yawning one is by far the worse I have suffered these symptoms ever since i was 4-5 but when i was a kid they were far and few between the last few years have been bad the shortness of breath is pretty much constant and the yawning one last weeks and weeks then it will maybe stop for a few days then start up again, I also find that when in my head i think of a new symptom (i try not too but often fail) then within a day or two the new symptom will kick in. I'm still finding ways of dealing with it, just gotta keep ya mind active I guess.

04-10-2007, 11:46 AM
I'm new here too, but I also have constantly changing symptoms. They seem to last 1 week to a month at a time.
First, my stomache hurt, then a month later my eye started twitching.
I have had every test imaginable in the last year and a half.
MRI, CAT SCAN, X-Rays, blood tests, Mamogram, and so on. Nothing is wrong with me!!! Or so the doc says. But now I'm in this phase where my hand has started twitching. It's driving me nuts!!
But I guess, like everything else this too will disappear in a month????