View Full Version : What to do guys :/

09-06-2012, 06:42 AM
Hi im steven im 20 years old. My doctor seems clueless anymore to what to do which isn't good in my eyes. I have been trying so many different medications with no success only worse feelings. From Prozac,Paxil,Luvox cr, lexapro, perphenazine amitriptyline.... It's like I just am tired of trying all these with no help. I mentioned Effexor to him because I heard from someone it was a good choice for her after many strike outs with medications heard the withdrawal sucks but my point is I feel like sh*t 90% of the time as it is. I just want some input on the medication and if it was worth it to others because my insurance doesn't cover and it's 130 for 30 day supply. And if anyone wants to share how they felt prior to medication would be good to help me compare. Like physical and mental symptoms and if Effexor helped you thanks everyone hope to hear back! Steven.

09-06-2012, 11:38 AM
Hey Steven,

It appears that the Dr has thrown literally everything at you and considering you're only 20 years old strikes me as abit odd for so many different attempts with different products. Any of those mentioned above would take at least 4 to maybe as much as 6 weeks to even reach full blood concentrations or any realized positive effects. The first couple of weeks of any of those may also be a living hell as the chemicals begin to cross the blood/brain barriers and they essentially begin to figure out what it is that its supposed to be doing there to begin with. Sounds weird, but thats how it works. It works for some, doesnt work for others, and scientist have 0 clue as to "its exact mechanism of actions" anyway. Basically, every pharmaceutical info sheet will say "UH, WE DONT HAVE ANY IDEA WHY IT DOES THIS, BUT FOR SOME REASON, IT SOMETIMES DOES"..

My question to you would be this.
1. What exactly is it that you say to your Dr when you're in the examining room? "I feel like s**t?"
2. What is the condition or disorder that you are trying to address?

All of those meds above are AD's. Is that what's going on with you? Depression?

I can also see why you would wonder if the Effexor was a good option before you had to pay for it out of pocket as well. I'm not a big fan of Effexor but am a fan of generic Prozac (fluoxetine) which is only $4 a month but you've already tried that with no success. Another option would be generic Lexapro which is called (citalopram) and it too is $4 a month.

What exactly are your physical and mental symptoms if you could explain then maybe we can suggest some more refined choices of meds or herbals to help you?


09-06-2012, 12:08 PM
This all started around last November I have lost family members 3 in the past two years prior to that I thought that was the reason but I don't even really think about anything I just have a anxious feeling ALL DAY long and someday a are so bad that I actually start to cry and have to call either my mom or girlfriend but they don't understand why I just can't drop it. And everything in my life is just so perfect far as my family and love life. I just have such a hard time staying focused at all at work or even just in a normal conversation. I feel like there is a band around my head from the time I wake up till I go to bed specially at work when I think about it all the time. I heard that could be allergys or sinuses so I'm going to a allergist for that too. I'm just tired of always over thinking everything there is times were I feel like t might be going away but then I think about just anxiety and it comes right back. I cant control it and my memory is awful too I just can't take all this as being anxiety but I do see a psychiatrist and he says it all is im just not convinced. I was seeing a therapist for awhile but stoped the money just wasnt there for both. All the medications I have tried for at least a month to 6 weeks enough time for them to do something. There was like two that just totally made me worse where I didn't make it but three weeks. I just don't know what to try anymore I go to the gym and hangout with friends just always feel so f'd up that it makes it hard to stay positive. And I'm willing to give anything a chance just for some relief I know it's mostly me but there has to be something out there to just make me not worry about everything so much and make my life the way it was. I also feels as if I always need to be talking to someone like on the phone and even when doing so I'm just like in my own Zone most of the time not even listening or taking in what they are saying. Then trying to remember stuff is horrible. But the whole thing is there is no reason to feel like I'm on cloud nine here everything is great in my life this is just draining me I'm always so tired. Thanks hope this gave alittle more info to base off of.

09-06-2012, 12:25 PM
Got it now..

1. It is partially seperation anxiety.
2. It is partially grieving the losses of your family members continually.
3. it is why you seek constant communication with others in your life, to be sure theyre not gone too.
4. It is caused by continually asking yourself why them, and not me.
5. It is constantly saying to yourself, this isnt fair.
6. It is partially PTSD.
7. It is everything that has happened in the past, that you can not change, that you continue to replay over and over again in your mind.
8. It is consuming your life, it is eating you alive, it is making you virtually disabled, it is placing huge amounts of stress upon you, and also unfair and large amounts of stress upon those that care about you, it is selfish of you to do this to them but you dont know you're even doing it.

Again I type in this forum that the only way to stop this madness, end this sadness, stop anxiety in his tracks..is to accept the things that you can not change from the past, and change the things that you possibly can in your future.

Stop telling yourself that it doesnt seem that life is fair too,..life is an unknown, that no one person controls for others.

You were put here, to live YOUR life..so for your sake and for those in your family that still remain..live the life you've been given, and forgive and forget the moments of the past friend..

There is the map to your doorway, open it..and walk out.


09-06-2012, 01:01 PM
I don't think about that all day though I don't think about the family I have lost like you make it sound. I just can't stop the constant anxious feeling I have and the out of it spacey feeling with the head pressure it all consumes me. Along with a stiff neck idk just a bunch of shit. Everything just seems so foggy all the time like in here but anxious about nothing makes me not there its so hard to explain

09-06-2012, 01:26 PM
Hey bruh,

When someone types "I have lost 3 family members in the past 2 years" in their first line of response, that tells me something. A clue, a hint, a vital piece of a huge puzzle.. It is a part of this "brainfog" friend. It also appears to be a very deep rooted depressive source that's feeding everything else too. To put it more simply, you dont "see" anything in your life as being a source of happiness..because of all the memories of the past that you choose to retain in your subconcious mind friend. You gotta clean house, delete, remove these memories before anything new or positive can enter..


09-06-2012, 02:48 PM
I know exactly how you feel! It's almost like some weird burning sensation with pressure! Almost like you cant concentrate! Sometimes the pressure gets soo bad I can barely stand it! It's almost like a weird dizziness! Am I close?

09-06-2012, 08:37 PM
Josh yes the pressure is constant and I don't understand what it is. It is always there and along with the dizzyness just like u explain do u have any clue what causes this.

09-07-2012, 04:00 AM
I think it's a mixture of stress and anxiety! For me it's worse at work than at home. I also notice if I Change my thinking it's a lot better...try not to think about it! Are you more afraid of the symptoms? Are you scared your going to die because of these symptoms?

09-07-2012, 07:45 AM
Yes it is the symptoms that cause me to freak out all the time I don't make them up. And ya I guess I'm just scared there is more wrong then what everyone says. Does it effect your vision at all and what about your neck idk I just feel like I'm the only one going threw it and I wanna just live a life like a normal person

09-07-2012, 11:17 AM
Yes it is the symptoms that cause me to freak out all the time I don't make them up. And ya I guess I'm just scared there is more wrong then what everyone says. Does it effect your vision at all and what about your neck idk I just feel like I'm the only one going threw it and I wanna just live a life like a normal person

09-07-2012, 02:31 PM
I think it's a mixture of stress and anxiety! There was a point where I was so spaced out I didn't think I would get out of it, but I've been taking vitamin b complex with vitamin c and it's defiantly helping. It almost seems like if the head pressure and the spaced out feeling is gone, then all I feel is anxiety! Very annoying!

09-07-2012, 02:33 PM
Sometime my neck feels sore! Have you been to a doctor? By the way I took 5 days of Paxil and I felt as though I was going to die, other than that I have taken no other meds!