View Full Version : Advice needed

09-06-2012, 02:53 AM
I’m 18, and for the past 2 months i’ve been dealing with anxiety ever since i found my brother having his first epileptic fit, ever since then it has been stress after stress until i’m at the point where i find myself anxious over everything. Its developed into hypochondria where i think i’ve got every illness under the sun, and now i’m so aware of every change in my body, i’m convinced i have a terrible disease (eg. brain tumour/multiple sclerosis/ect) i find myself googling my symptoms which is the worst thing to do as it just makes me worry even more. I find myself crying daily, probably multiple times, would love if anyone could offer me some advice before it gets totally out of hand :(

09-06-2012, 03:09 AM
It's totally understandable what's going on. You experienced something really traumatic, and it's going to play on your mind.

I've been suffering with anxiety for 10 months now and mine is related to my dad passing a away from a heart attack. I'm now convinced I'm going to have one and have all of the symptoms of one, every single day.

I generally don't cope that well really, however I love to bake and I have found that whilst ever I am baking, I feel really good and I don't think about it at all. So maybe try to find a hobby / sport that you really like? Also open up
To those around you, if that feels right to you. I really struggled with this as I didn't want to be a hinderance!

I find these forums are great, I feel helping other, helps me, so keep posting and sharing :-)

Learn to know your symptoms as well, and catch them out before they catch you out. What symptoms do you get out of interest?

Keep smiling :-) Michelle xx

09-06-2012, 03:36 AM
It's totally understandable what's going on. You experienced something really traumatic, and it's going to play on your mind.

I've been suffering with anxiety for 10 months now and mine is related to my dad passing a away from a heart attack. I'm now convinced I'm going to have one and have all of the symptoms of one, every single day.

I generally don't cope that well really, however I love to bake and I have found that whilst ever I am baking, I feel really good and I don't think about it at all. So maybe try to find a hobby / sport that you really like? Also open up
To those around you, if that feels right to you. I really struggled with this as I didn't want to be a hinderance!

I find these forums are great, I feel helping other, helps me, so keep posting and sharing :-)

Learn to know your symptoms as well, and catch them out before they catch you out. What symptoms do you get out of interest?

Keep smiling :-) Michelle xx

hi :)
thankyou so much for replying, its nice to have someone there to talk to :)

truth be told im emotionally drained, even writing this i find myself crying and i dont really know why?!?
the symptoms i get range from total exhaustion due to not being able to relax/sleep being full of anxious dreams/general panic just taking its toll. i shake quite a bit, feel my heart beating in my head and ears, muscle exhaustion, over obsessiveness about every symptom, i get chills and sudden onsets of panic, its horrible, im stressing out because i have uni in a few weeks and really want to be fit and healthy and able to do all the things normal freshers would do!

im obsessed with listening to whether my brother is having another fit, as well as worrying about myself

its all getting a bit too much for me to deal with on my own :(

09-06-2012, 03:44 AM
Bless you. I certainly feel your pain. It's so hard convincing yourself it's all in your hard when it feels do real, trust me I'm there!
Have you been to the doctors at all or tried any relaxation? It might be goof if you haven't just to talk to ur doc.

I've felt tired for such a long time, and googling fatigue throws up a whole host of problems!! We must stay away from it!!

Try not to dwell too much on uni. If anything it might give you a new focus and allow you to focus your attentions elsewhere. Also try not to get too drunk at freshers lol, tempting as it is, it makes my anxiety do much worse. Although saying that were all difference?

How about a hobby? Is there anything that you really enjoy doing?

09-06-2012, 04:00 AM
i think the hardest thing to do is convince yourself its mental, also it seems you have a lot more to loose by it being physical rather than mental, ive been to the doctors, and they've suggested counselling, and im going for some blood tests today just to be 100% sure its not physical, even then i can guarantee i'll still doubt the blood tests (what if they havent checked for this/that/ect)

i havent tried any relaxation techniques, could you suggest some? im finding it impossible to relax

i think part of my problem is being at home alone a lot, both my parents work full time, and so i find myself here dwelling on my issues

unfortunately im not overly sporty, however for the first time in a while i did some yoga this morning. Today hasnt been a good day so far, on and off crying which gives me a foggy head, hopefully it'll get better

i see what you mean about the alcohol, i was nearly drunk off a white wine spritzer the other day! why does it effect people with anxiety so much?

it feels so good to get some of this off my chest, i know i can talk to my parents and they're really supportive, but talking doesnt seem to help because they don't know what im feeling / think it will go away with sleep, but it isnt :(

09-06-2012, 04:55 AM
Hello, I been struggling with anxiety for just over a year. It took me so long to believe the things that were physically happening to me were from a mental reason. I still question it. I can completely relate to how your feeling. My step dad died of lung cancer so I thought I had it and got checked (only good thing is I quit smoking) my nan died of esophagus cancer so I started to feel like I had reflux all the time which she had. My father in law just recently had a heart attack and since then I been getting chest pains. I seem to mimic what other ppl get sick from that are close to me. Weird! I have had two ppl close that I loved dearly die one year after the other and I tried not to grieve which made it worse to the point that's why I now have anxiety. The best thing is talking about it, and I literally feel better after crying sometimes, that's how I found out I had it, I felt so sick for weeks, I finally called a dr out to see me and finally broke down crying and told him everything I felt and he told me I had anxiety. I then got checked out for everything and con-seeded that was what I had. I read and because my mind is distracted that helps, I have a 3 month so she keeps me pretty occupied now so that helps. I bake as well, cheesecake is the best ;) I go for walks and talk to my husband and friends about it. Try to keep your self busy and start recognizing what causes yours. Hope that helps :)

09-06-2012, 05:09 AM
thank you for replying,

im hoping these blood tests will put my mind at ease, and im going to start reading more as you suggested to take my mind off things :) i think the fact that i thought my brother was dying in front of me triggered the anxiety, so hopefully if i combat that i can get over this!

09-06-2012, 06:44 AM
I hope the tests do put your mind at ease. Oh course that would be terrible to see Hun, always here if you wanna chat :)

09-06-2012, 09:22 AM
thanks, for some reason the doctors always reassures me, as they don't think anything of it, so it makes me realise im being irrational, unfortunately i can't go daily!

09-06-2012, 11:49 AM
You all are experiencing the effects of what your brain is telling you to feel..and that is "helplessness". There's 0 any of you can literally do to stop, help, alleviate, change, fix, alter, adjust, the physical symptoms, conditions, ailments, diseases, disorders, of those that are dear to you or close to you...so, in turn your brain/thoughts/mind are on (CONSTANT GRIEF AND HOPELESSNESS AND HELPLESSNESS STANDBY MODE)

The only way to make any of this stop?

Is to "change the things that you can, and accept the things that you can not."

It is, that simple..It doesn't mean you have to stop caring..it just means that you must accept things the way they are..AND realize this too? It isn't fair to those that you care about as now you yourself have became A CONCERN of theirs now..That is being selfish to them, when they need you to be there to support them instead.

Think about it for a minute..you'll "see" what I've just typed and the meaning of these words.


09-06-2012, 06:51 PM
I completely get where your coming from countrygirl01 :) let us know how you go

Enduronman I'm sorry but I don't think your helping, every one is entitled to their option so thanks for sharing yours, but your stating the obvious. Words don't change how you feel. But encouragement to share and talking about things does. Were not asking you to tell us what we should do but rather seeking advice on how to cope and share what we go through and will see trained professionals on the rest.