View Full Version : New to site and been suffering with anxiety for 9 years....Questions about PPI meds??

09-06-2012, 01:44 AM
Hello all,

I am new here and had my first bout with Anxiety 9 years ago. It woke me up out of a dead sleep at 3 a.m. one night. Took a trip to ER and thought I was having a heart attack. I have been taking Cymbalta for about 8 years and don't really feel that it helps much. I have also been taking Prevacid which is a proton pump inhibitor for acid reflux for 16 years. I have a hiatal hernia, found through endoscopy, which allows the acid to flow up the esophagus. In the last few months my anxiety has really flared up. The pain in my body, mostly left side, had gotten more tense and harder to deal with. Being that the anxiety has been pretty mild for many years, I have not done much research. But....in the last few months I have read everything possible on links between PPI meds and anxiety. The PPI meds interfere with the absorption of many essential nutrients. Over time your body becomes really deficient of these nutrients and it has very harmful affects on the body and brain. I am only in my early 30's and in good shape and have had tibia fractures in the last few years. I also have noticed that cuts, and minor skin scrapes are taking very long to heal. I have also been taking Lactase enzyme for supposed lactose intolerance for about 10 years. This can be a sign of other very harmful bacteria in the gut due to lack of gastric acid. For the last few days I have been taking sublingual B complex / B12, and a liquid gel with Magnesium, Zinc, Copper and lots of D3, and calcium. I don't know if it is just mental, but I have felt a bit more relaxed, but my muscle tension has definitely eased up. My body has physically felt alot better. I am really trying to get everyone involved that has been taking the PPI's. These meds are one of the largest cash crops for the pharma industry, so there is not going to be too much info out there besides from each person who has been taking them for sometime. The FDA has said to only take for 14 days and no more that 3 times a year, but our doctors just keep refilling the scripts. The FDA has also said that you can be at risk for bone fractures, but nobody really says why. I really feel the side effects of these meds go way deeper than what is being put out, but there is just too much money in it. PLEASE......respond and share you experiences. Thank you.........Jimmy

Jo Smith
09-06-2012, 03:18 AM
I think doctors do over prescribe drugs in general. Its terrible and sometimes the effects if long term use arnt known. I was reading the post in general discussion about how several people have had positive benefits from taking various suppliments, like the B vitamins, amino acids and magnesium. I have a truly terrible diet and it wouldnt surprise me if i was deficient in several things. Maybe I should give it a whirl.
One example is my sister who has chronic headaches, and she was prescribed a drug. I cant remeber which, I will have to ask her. But I did a bit of research when she first went on it and it says not for long term use (whats classed as long term anyway?). She has now been prescribed it for 3 years. Her headaches are still there, but she says she doesnt dare come off them incase it makes them even worse. Its like a trap. But shes 22 and who knows what damage they could be doing.
I am so wary of taking drugs, even taking painkillers worries me, as I to suffer from many headaches and general pain from stomach cramps and other anxiety associated pains. Its such a scary reliance.
I hope you manage to find a way to kick this bad phase with your anxiety.