View Full Version : Nearing 20's, long term depression could anyone offer advice

09-05-2012, 08:19 PM
So hey.
As a long term sufferer of what has been predominantly anxiety, the last few months have seen a pretty significant shift in just about my entire disposition and overall perspective on life - pushing me to the point of depression that must be of a landmark high for me if its pushing me to post on these forums.

So yeah, basically lately I just feel... less. This is causing me to be.. less, or maybe its the reverse of this, i know its mutually exclusive at any rate. I feel less empathatic, feel less happy, dont feel as intelligent, dont feel as humorous, dont feel as witty, dont enjoy games, guitar, tv, films as much as I used to, cant get immersed in these respective hobbies. For a long time I can pinpoint the general emotion in my mind as far back as 4 months which is just - well not much really. Neutrality, flippancy, I feel like im an observer and life is kind of just passing me buy instead of me passing it.

I'm not in danger of self harming or anything like that but this is really the most horrific few months of my life, im only really looking for someone to validate how im feeling and for someone to tell me it'll pass, that other people have experienced this - but the more i talk to people about this the less it seems like the reality.

Aren't I just a bundle of joy?

Jo Smith
09-06-2012, 03:43 AM
Hi, I think when my anxiety gets bad I start to feel depressed and youve explained how I also feel way better than I could! I just feel indifferent. Like do you want to watch a film or play a game? Dont care because probablly wont enjoy either anyway. It is a hard rut to dig yourself out of but it is sure possible and talking on here certainly helps. Last weekend was the worst weekend I have had in a long time, I just sat and cryed my eyes out in my room because it all got to much and i despair that i wont enjoy anything ever again.
You say your perspective seemed to shift.. was there something happening that could of caused it? I always find that change is my trigger. Like all my friends at work are moving on, my boyfriend is moving away for work for a while. Things that once id bebable to handle are now the end of the world.
I hope you find something that works for you and you can change ur prespective !! x