View Full Version : Holy s**t, not again!! Reliving the EXACT same issues with a DAWDER!! LOL!

09-05-2012, 06:23 PM

My (2) daughters were dumped off on my front porch in 07. My X said here, I can't handle them and I'm moving out of state ok bye..Uh, ok..I raised them and one is 21, with a son, and an addict, and doesnt live here but yet lives 1 block away and I never see her or my grandson. That isn't the problem, that doesn't bother me in the slightest nor do I think about it either. I can't change that, so I accept that. Now, here's the purpose for this post. My youngest daughter who is now 16 and also lives with me still, just called abit ago and said the car died. Hmmm, wonder why?..I already freakin knew why!! Because I went through this exact same bulls**t with her older sis when she was the same freakin age!! I would continually tell her over, and over, and over that WHEN THE F**KIN GAS GAUGE NEEDLE GOES TO THE GREAT BIG F**KIN (E) LETTER THEN THAT MEANS THE CAR WILL NO LONGER BE CAPABLE OF FORWARD MOTION SO DONT LET IT GET TO THE GREAT BIG F**CKIN (E) LETTER AND YOU'LL BE JUST FINE!!! OMGAWD!!! Her older sis did this at least a dozen times, and now my youngest is doing the EXACT SAME THING all over again..I was so hoping that I wasn't going to have to RE-LIVE or RE-PLAY this moment, event, issue, in my life again...TO NO AVAIL MR. ENDUROA**MAN!!!

Here we go, should be a nice remainder to the end of the year. Better keep a gas can handy!!!



09-06-2012, 07:07 AM
Oh..my old college roommate used to do the same thing....she would constantly ride on E......I would refuse to ride anywhere with her, because I refused to end up stuck on the side of the highway because she was too darn lazy to stop for gas......