View Full Version : Prickly Heat / Chinese Burn feelings

09-05-2012, 01:19 PM
Hi guys,

This one is new to me. I get so many symptoms. Chest pain, tightness, pins and needles, horrible thoughts, exercise fear, arm pain, shakes, shoulder pain, pain between shoulder blades, headaches, jaw ache, palpitations, lightheaded, short of breath. All been going on for about 10 months now. I might add that I don't get all these systems at the same time, but constant chest pain everyday with at least one other symptom. Check my pulse 100 times a day and always checking to see if my lips or fingernails are blue. The joys!

Anyway today I have started getting burning, prickly heat, pretty much a Chinese burn feeling in the middle of chest / breastbone and in my shoulder and upper arm. It's not there all the time just keeps coming and going. I'm paranoid it's just another heart attack symptom and after waiting 10 months its going to happened very soon.

Am I on my own with this one??

Thanks everyone

Michelle xx

09-05-2012, 02:22 PM
No, you're not. But let me ask you: what do you do to try and get your anxiety under control?

09-05-2012, 02:25 PM
I've tried some therapy, bit it hasn't really helped. Haven't tried any Mesa. My doctors appeared very disinterested!
I do try
And relax. I love to bake, and while ever I'm baking I feel good and forget about it all. Maybe I need to become a baker?

Thank u :-) x