View Full Version : Palpitations

09-05-2012, 10:09 AM
hiya everyone,how strange is this,i have suffered from anxiety on and off for 10 yrs,my fear which brought it on was feeling my own heartbeat and it drove me mad when i was getting palpitations,i have had heart tests and they are fine,when i was pregnant my heart raced quite alot and could feel thump thump really strong,cant believe i got through it,my baby is 12 weeks old now and my heart has slowed down alot and i dont get palps,its a great feeling dont know how long it will last,do other people have a fear with there heart?

09-05-2012, 10:36 AM
lots of people do. I do. My heart would palp during pregnancy too. I never thought much of it, until the end of preg. I developed HBP, and they had to induce labor. Was the worst thing ever. 19 hours. Later, I noticed my heart would race, especially when nursing, or when I would hear the baby cry. Its like my anxiety kicked in full gear. Never knew I had it until after labor. I desperately want another baby, (son is now 5 yrs) but Im so scared about pregnancy again, and I already have high health anxiety. Not sure if I can actually go through that again. :/

10-22-2012, 10:06 AM
You sound just like me,my partner would love a boy but i couldnt go through pregnancy again especially having my heart going fast and feeling every beat,and i would get anxiety knowing i had to go to hospital again.