View Full Version : Anxiety Relapse

09-05-2012, 09:56 AM

Originally posted in here just over 2 years ago when my anxiety first started and was severely messed up. Obsessional thoughts (really scary thoughts) every second of the day, did not seek help for 2 months, had no appetite, was not drinking fluid, struggling to sleep, in constant tears for weeks. Was prescribed 20mg per day Prozac, and when this didnt do much this was adjusted to 40mg, within a month was feeling a lot better and it was constant improvements almost on a weekly basis and I felt great for the next 20 - 22 months.


Its returned :(

Maybe Ive been a touch stressed recently, but I got ridiculously smashed at a party (a friend commented that it was a dangerous amount, and we both drink a lot) the day after I sat in bed all day worrying about an argument I had with another friend at the party as I had been a touch out of line. We sorted this out, however for the next few days I constantly thought and worried about why I got so worried about this - this has now led on to me constantly thinking about how I feel, why I feel like this, how I can get better. Its like the 1st time around except the thoughts are not as scary and im already on medication.
This has been like this for a week or so now, I went back to the doctors about a week ago who upped my doseage to 60mg Prozac a day (he says this the max you can take on this drug?) admittingly in the last couple days, I feel calmer, however the obsessive, record scratching repetitive thoughts about how I feel and why I feel like this, and the lack of concentration is still there and its giving me the ump.

I suppose Im looking for reassurances, anyone had a relapse? I couldnt believe how better I got last time, I suppose Im gutted its happened again. Some advice please? Has the drug stopped working? I know ive learned a lesson from the drinking in future use. Do I just need to give it another week or 2 for the doseage to kick in?

09-05-2012, 11:30 AM
No the drug hasn't stopped working. It is the fact that (a highly traumatic external stressful event) took place in your life and although you say you've worked it out with whoever..your mind still continues to express and feel a "sense of guilt". A guilty concience..It is this guilt created by the actions of your behaviors that reopened the door for anxiety to enter. I suggest you either re-open the event with this friend to actually "receive" the reassurances that everything truly is OK again that your brain is looking for because you're still wondering and thinking about "it".."It" being the event..OR let it go, forget it, and accept the reassurances that you'd received as substantial enough or clarified enough to allow you to let the thought go..Delete the event, delete the issue, delete the thought= Goodbye anxiety.. He will leave the same way that he came in...


09-05-2012, 11:46 AM
I got my ass kicked by depression and panic a few years ago I cried everyday for weeks got my ass up to the drs, they made me do some dumb written test ad they gave me flupentixol that didn't work so switched to 20mg of prozac and was given some propranolol to control the panic (did not work I might add) then upped to 40 mg of prozac, was on this for about 6 months and felt so much better but I also joined a gym and got much fitter so I don't know which one to thank really. haven't touched Prozac in 3 years but depression and anxiety is kicking my ass again.

09-05-2012, 11:51 AM
Hullo! I'm very sorry that you're having a rough couple of weeks, but be wary before you label it a "relapse". Maybe it's just that: a rough fortnight. That's why I find it a bit surprising that your shrink should have upped the dosage to 60 mg after only one week, especially with such an obvious trigger. Anyway to answer your question directly, yep, you need to wait before the extra dose kicks in. And also yep, it can happen after weeks and weeks of blissful living on ssris that you suddenly have a couple of episodes that are not worth remembering. And when that happens you start worrying that it's come back, that fire and brimstone are all that's left, etc.

You'll get better, but work on getting over that which is bothering you and triggered all this. And once you feel better talk to your doc about reducing to 40 mg. And keep us posted!!!

09-05-2012, 11:57 AM
J89..You didnt go get what I suggested you to supplement!!! WAAAA!!!...:/

09-05-2012, 12:05 PM
J89..You didnt go get what I suggested you to supplement!!! WAAAA!!!...:/

Yo geeza. I ain't got the funds at the min. But I'll get them soon, dont you worry ! :)

09-05-2012, 12:17 PM
Initially it was the guilt, but I think only for that first day. Im really hoping that as the above says, the extra dose kicks in (i know the lesson of only taking each day as it comes) to acknowledge the improvements and not expect an overnight cure. However Im just gutted ive gone back in to this. I know im not as bad as last time (on Monday night I did a little dance in my bed because I felt calm for a good half hour, which I never did after suffering anxiety the 1st time!). However maybe im just being a tad impatient as I got through this before? I will also look at decreasing the dose if I get back to how I was 2 weeks ago (please)

Sorry to whine and moan, I know there are others in a much worse place than me. I dont feel there is anything bothering me beside the anxiety of my own mental health and constant questioning, reassurring, obsessiveness, and mind chatter about anxiety and how I feel.

So to help me with the 10,000 questions and statements in my mind today:

1) Im not mental?!
2) If I increased dose 6 days ago, when I should I expect some improvement? My doc said I have done well with Prozac previously so this should be a good sign?
3) Yes I need to get fit!!!! I always have so much mental energy anyway that needs to be used up!
4) I am aware this anxiety, but I like most of us, I just need some gental reassurance!!!!

Thanks again, Im off on hols tomorrow (this might be a big help), so Ill post on Tuesday to let you know of any updates.

09-05-2012, 12:26 PM

I am a HUGE fan of fluoxetine..great medication. You know exactly how the anxiety returned, so as I suggested above pick (1) of those (2) options and move on. Its ok to whine and moan, or you wouldnt get any relief, or any solid answers or opinions either, its useful.

As far as the 10,000 questions in your head goes?.. Thats how I defeated anxiety myself by removing all the irrelevant and unuseful and unnecessary garble that was in my mind. I condense everything, literally everything, anywhere, at anytime..Simplify it all.

No, yer not mental..you're just OVERLY HYPER-CREATIVE... Condense, simplify, reduce, disgard, delete..

Goodluck to you friend!!

09-05-2012, 12:35 PM
Until 10 days ago, I have said to everyone that Prozac or Flux is the best thing ever and should be put in the water supply!!!

I know, Ive had this crap chatter before - and I suppose medication is cheating, but once the anxiety wore off before, I could let these questions, statements, general chatter go - it got to the point where it didnt mean anything and I could laugh at it when it did pop up in to my head. I suppose im still accepting its just came back and for the time being ive got to be calm and patient.


09-05-2012, 12:38 PM
Enjoy your hols :) where u goin?
Holidays are great :D

09-05-2012, 12:55 PM
Off to Turkey :)

Hopeful the change of scenery, and extra week on the new dose is what I need

09-05-2012, 01:02 PM
Cool!! Have a fab time. I'm going to the good old US of A for 3 weeks next year. SO looking forward to the change of scenery and humdrum of everyday life. Good luck!!! :)

09-05-2012, 01:07 PM
I got my ass kicked by depression and panic a few years ago I cried everyday for weeks got my ass up to the drs, they made me do some dumb written test ad they gave me flupentixol that didn't work so switched to 20mg of prozac and was given some propranolol to control the panic (did not work I might add) then upped to 40 mg of prozac, was on this for about 6 months and felt so much better but I also joined a gym and got much fitter so I don't know which one to thank really. haven't touched Prozac in 3 years but depression and anxiety is kicking my ass again.

Maybe you need the Prozac again if helped out so much last time? Did you come off it gradually?

09-05-2012, 01:19 PM
Been thinkin about it. and no I didn't i just stopped taking it :-/

09-05-2012, 01:37 PM
I dont need to be an expert to say thats not how you should come off an SSRI. Needs to be a gradual thing rather than stopping cold turkey. What are your anxiety symptoms?

09-05-2012, 02:03 PM
I didn't notice it doing me any harm unless I've only just noticed it 3 years on!! I have the joys of:

Occasional racing heart/palps
Easily startled
Worried what people think of me
Brain fog
Difficulty concentrating
Pretty much always on edge
VERY worried about being alone

09-05-2012, 02:38 PM
wow,..yer kinda f**ked up I think. IDK, I may be wrong though too...:)


09-05-2012, 03:33 PM
Haha. Pot, kettle!?